Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

5 01, 2024

A turning point in EU policy on regulating AI

2024-01-25T06:51:27+01:00By |Categories: Data Protection, Google, Shorts & Tutorials|Tags: , , |

The EU's AI Act represents a historic step forward in the regulation of artificial intelligence. With strict guidelines for high-risk applications, it paves the way for safe and responsible AI innovation on a global scale.

23 10, 2023

QR code scams and how to protect yourself

2023-10-26T18:44:55+02:00By |Categories: Android / iOS, Data Protection, Shorts & Tutorials|Tags: , , |

Cybercriminals use fake QR codes to link to malicious websites or distribute malware. Protect yourself by checking the source, using previews and keeping your smartphone up to date. Be vigilant and enjoy digital conveniences safely.

5 09, 2023

Private internet use at work – what is allowed?

2023-09-05T07:15:44+02:00By |Categories: Career, Data Protection, Shorts & Tutorials|Tags: , , |

Die private Internetnutzung am Arbeitsplatz kann ein heikles Thema in manchen Betrieben sein. Wir beleuchten was erlaubt ist, und geben Tipps wie Sie am besten zu einer Balance zwischen Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer kommen.

10 08, 2023

Show WiFi password: For Windows, Android, iOS and Mac

2023-08-10T18:50:09+02:00By |Categories: Android / iOS, Data Protection, Mac OS, Shorts & Tutorials, Uncategorized, Windows 10/11/12|Tags: , , , , |

This article provides detailed instructions on how to extract WiFi passwords on Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. Whether you've forgotten your own password or need access to a legitimate network, these guides will help.


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