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Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

These jobs are at risk from AI systems like ChatGPT

Be it ChatGPT, AutoGPT or, in the future, the TruthGPT developed by Elon Musk. All these AI systems have one thing in common. They are developing as rapidly as few technical revolutionary developments in history before. Because they quickly learn and improve their skills independently through the constant use of humans. But just as every technical development brings a lot of positive things with it, it also has its downsides. It is not uncommon for politics, science and society to recognize the ravages of time too late and subsequently had to try to limit the damage. Specifically, it is about jobs that could be eliminated or at least drastically reduced in number through the use of constantly improving AI systems such as ChatGPT, AutoGPT and in the future also TruthGPT & Co.

jobverlust durch kuenstliche intelligenz

Topic Overview


In the following, we want to take a close look at some jobs that are already done to a certain extent by AI systems. And in this context, let’s also look at the possible developments in various jobs that could no longer be done by people in the future. It is currently assumed that 300 million jobs worldwide could be lost in the next few years. Of course, this is a number that sounds very dramatic. But these are also only rough estimates by experts who, on the one hand, can only rudimentarily predict the development, and on the other hand, the jobs that will be lost in the future will also depend on how willing the companies are to rely on these AI systems, but also how politicians will take regulatory measures, for example for reasons of data protection. Because only recently ChatGPT went offline in Italy because the concerns were greater than the benefits.

These jobs are at risk from AI systems like ChatGPT

Be it ChatGPT, AutoGPT or, in the future, the TruthGPT developed by Elon Musk. All these AI systems have one thing in common. They are developing as rapidly as few technical revolutionary developments in history before. Because they quickly learn and improve their skills independently through the constant use of humans. But just as every technical development brings a lot of positive things with it, it also has its downsides. It is not uncommon for politics, science and society to recognize the ravages of time too late and subsequently had to try to limit the damage. Specifically, it is about jobs that could be eliminated or at least drastically reduced in number through the use of constantly improving AI systems such as ChatGPT, AutoGPT and in the future also TruthGPT & Co.

jobverlust durch kuenstliche intelligenz

Topic Overview


In the following, we want to take a close look at some jobs that are already done to a certain extent by AI systems. And in this context, let’s also look at the possible developments in various jobs that could no longer be done by people in the future. It is currently assumed that 300 million jobs worldwide could be lost in the next few years. Of course, this is a number that sounds very dramatic. But these are also only rough estimates by experts who, on the one hand, can only rudimentarily predict the development, and on the other hand, the jobs that will be lost in the future will also depend on how willing the companies are to rely on these AI systems, but also how politicians will take regulatory measures, for example for reasons of data protection. Because only recently ChatGPT went offline in Italy because the concerns were greater than the benefits.

Jobs that are endangered by AI systems

Jobs that are endangered by AI systems

Coders, Computer Programmers, Software engineers and Data analysts

The demand for coding and computer programming is high. However, there is a possibility that in the near future Chat GPT and similar AI tools may fill some of the existing gaps. According to Madgavkar (McKinsey), AI technologies like Chat GPT could take over a significant portion of the work in tech jobs like software engineers, web developers, computer programmers, coders and data scientists.

The reason for this is because AI like Chat GPT is able to calculate numbers with high accuracy. In fact, advanced technology like chat could possibly program GPT Codes faster than humans. That, in turn, means tasks could be completed with fewer people, explains Mark Muro, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institute.

Tech companies like OpenAI are already considering using AI to replace software developers. Still, Oded Netzer, a professor at Columbia Business School, believes that AI will help programmers rather than replace them. Although these jobs are not threatened with extinction, many jobs in this industry could well disappear.

Marketing, Content Creation, Technical editing and journalists

According to Madgavkar, media jobs overall could be affected by Chat GPT and similar forms of AI. The AI has the ability to read, write and understand text-based data well. Madgavkar emphasizes that the ability to analyze and interpret large amounts of language-based data and information should be a strength of AI technologies.

According to economist Paul Krugman, Chat GPT could potentially handle tasks like reporting and writing “even more efficiently than humans“. The media industry is already experimenting with AI-generated content. A tech news website called CNET used an AI tool similar to Chat GPT to write dozens of articles, although the editor had to make some corrections. BuzzFeed announced that it will use OpenAI technologies to generate new forms of content.

Still, Madgavkar emphasizes that most of the work in these professions cannot be automated. She explains, “There’s a lot of human judgment that goes into each of these professions“.

Professions in the legal field

Similar to the media industry, legal jobs are responsible for processing large amounts of information, summarizing what is important, and then making it easy to understand in a legal writing or statement.

According to Madgavkar, language-focused positions like this are prone to automation. She explains that the data in this area is often well-structured and language-oriented, making it well accessible to AI. However, AI will not be able to fully automate these jobs as it requires a certain amount of human judgment to understand what a customer or employer really needs.


Market research

It is already possible today to observe the digital behavior of consumers without explicitly asking them questions. There are unforeseen opportunities to analyze insights about brand preferences, interests and attitudes in all walks of life at an unprecedented depth and breadth. In the beginning, primarily qualitative results were generated by “social listening“. Nowadays, however, precise quantitative results can also be recorded and calculated worldwide, extremely quickly and at significantly lower costs with the help of intelligent algorithms and AI-based approaches.

This opens up a fascinating area of growth for market research providers, as new customer groups suddenly appear who in the past felt put off by the expensive and lengthy processes of traditional market research.

Teaching profession

Artificial intelligence has the ability to adapt the learning offer to the individual learning progress and level of knowledge of each student. An important method for this is adaptive learning, in which algorithms learn together with the learners. The process begins by creating a learner profile using machine learning techniques that automatically review student inputs, interactions, and performance. Based on this information and past experiences from previous grades, the AI recommends specific learning content or pathways for each individual student, delivering new knowledge exactly when the student is ready. This can fill in knowledge gaps that teachers in large classes may miss. Students’ learning plans are customized to their learning styles, resulting in faster learning outcomes.

However, it is unlikely that AI systems will one day completely replace teachers, as learning is not just memorization of content, but also includes an important social aspect that can only take place between people. Instead, these innovative systems could support teachers, giving them the free time they need to attend to the students who need their help most.

Financial Analysts and Bank advisors

The next step in technological development is that users can contact the right advisor via the Internet. Banks have realized that with the help of major advances in artificial intelligence (AI), they can test new customer channels by deploying chatbots capable of answering simple and frequently asked questions from online customers in writing or verbally. The biggest advantage of this software is its continuous availability 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Following the trend of virtual assistants, already widespread in e-commerce, the use of chatbots allows answers through social networks or directly through the chat on the bank’s website. This can reduce the workload of the often overloaded call centers. In addition, customers can be referred to the right person or consultant for more complex questions and inquiries that require special skills. According to a Gartner study published in late 2016, chatbots are expected to account for 20 percent of interactions that take place via mobile channels by next year across all industries.

Graphic Designer & Copywriter

The question of whether artificial intelligence will be able to replace graphic designers and copywriters in the future is controversial. Some believe that AI systems will be able to take over and possibly even improve on the work of graphic designers and copywriters. Others, on the other hand, believe that the creative work of graphic designers and copywriters cannot be replaced by machines.

It is quite possible that AI systems can take over certain tasks in the area of graphics and text, such as creating standard layouts or writing texts according to given rules. This could help reduce the workload of graphic designers and copywriters, giving them more time for creative tasks.

However, there are also numerous reasons why AI systems cannot completely replace the work of graphic designers and copywriters. The creative work in these areas is extremely diverse and requires a high level of empathy and originality, which is difficult for machines to achieve. In addition, the work of graphic designers and copywriters is highly dependent on the individual needs and wishes of customers, which makes it difficult to develop a universal AI solution.

Accountants and Controllers

From the automatic recognition of receipts to the reconciliation of accounts for the management of open items and the automated pre-posting of receipts – an AI can take over redundant (recurring) tasks in the field of accounting. This enables the automation of financial processes. Intelligent networks take over simple tasks in place of employees, including internal finance tasks. If, for example, an accounting program takes over the pre-accounting, an AI often works in the background and provides suggestions for the results. This minimizes the error rate, and in the end accountants or tax consultants have less work to do.

However, if incorrect pre-account assignments occur, they can be reposted and corrected manually in advanced accounting programs. Such “manual” changes are recorded by the system and used as experience for future pre-assignments. However, there are certain jobs that require the expertise of real experts that an AI cannot currently match. Nevertheless, the automated recording and processing of receipts supports a smooth accounting process and takes over time-consuming and unpleasant tasks from employees.

Customer Service Advisors and Call Center Agents

Not only do chatbots offer 24/7 flexibility, but there is a growing number of customers who prefer to chat rather than speak to a potentially semi-competent contact. This can also be a question of generation, since younger customers usually have no problem communicating with a bot.

However, the introduction of chatbots has also presented call centers with a challenge: The question of cost. Compared to call centers, chatbots are significantly less expensive overall, and as AI becomes more powerful, so do the capabilities of bots. They can now not only complete basic tasks on their own, such as providing instructions for use, confirmation or delivery dates, but also handle simpler technical processes, such as connecting a cable, converting a contract or processing a return. It is foreseeable that AI-based bots will also take on more complex tasks in the future.

Coders, Computer Programmers, Software engineers and Data analysts

The demand for coding and computer programming is high. However, there is a possibility that in the near future Chat GPT and similar AI tools may fill some of the existing gaps. According to Madgavkar (McKinsey), AI technologies like Chat GPT could take over a significant portion of the work in tech jobs like software engineers, web developers, computer programmers, coders and data scientists.

The reason for this is because AI like Chat GPT is able to calculate numbers with high accuracy. In fact, advanced technology like chat could possibly program GPT Codes faster than humans. That, in turn, means tasks could be completed with fewer people, explains Mark Muro, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institute.

Tech companies like OpenAI are already considering using AI to replace software developers. Still, Oded Netzer, a professor at Columbia Business School, believes that AI will help programmers rather than replace them. Although these jobs are not threatened with extinction, many jobs in this industry could well disappear.

Marketing, Content Creation, Technical editing and journalists

According to Madgavkar, media jobs overall could be affected by Chat GPT and similar forms of AI. The AI has the ability to read, write and understand text-based data well. Madgavkar emphasizes that the ability to analyze and interpret large amounts of language-based data and information should be a strength of AI technologies.

According to economist Paul Krugman, Chat GPT could potentially handle tasks like reporting and writing “even more efficiently than humans“. The media industry is already experimenting with AI-generated content. A tech news website called CNET used an AI tool similar to Chat GPT to write dozens of articles, although the editor had to make some corrections. BuzzFeed announced that it will use OpenAI technologies to generate new forms of content.

Still, Madgavkar emphasizes that most of the work in these professions cannot be automated. She explains, “There’s a lot of human judgment that goes into each of these professions“.

Professions in the legal field

Similar to the media industry, legal jobs are responsible for processing large amounts of information, summarizing what is important, and then making it easy to understand in a legal writing or statement.

According to Madgavkar, language-focused positions like this are prone to automation. She explains that the data in this area is often well-structured and language-oriented, making it well accessible to AI. However, AI will not be able to fully automate these jobs as it requires a certain amount of human judgment to understand what a customer or employer really needs.


Market research

It is already possible today to observe the digital behavior of consumers without explicitly asking them questions. There are unforeseen opportunities to analyze insights about brand preferences, interests and attitudes in all walks of life at an unprecedented depth and breadth. In the beginning, primarily qualitative results were generated by “social listening“. Nowadays, however, precise quantitative results can also be recorded and calculated worldwide, extremely quickly and at significantly lower costs with the help of intelligent algorithms and AI-based approaches.

This opens up a fascinating area of growth for market research providers, as new customer groups suddenly appear who in the past felt put off by the expensive and lengthy processes of traditional market research.

Teaching profession

Artificial intelligence has the ability to adapt the learning offer to the individual learning progress and level of knowledge of each student. An important method for this is adaptive learning, in which algorithms learn together with the learners. The process begins by creating a learner profile using machine learning techniques that automatically review student inputs, interactions, and performance. Based on this information and past experiences from previous grades, the AI recommends specific learning content or pathways for each individual student, delivering new knowledge exactly when the student is ready. This can fill in knowledge gaps that teachers in large classes may miss. Students’ learning plans are customized to their learning styles, resulting in faster learning outcomes.

However, it is unlikely that AI systems will one day completely replace teachers, as learning is not just memorization of content, but also includes an important social aspect that can only take place between people. Instead, these innovative systems could support teachers, giving them the free time they need to attend to the students who need their help most.

Financial Analysts and Bank advisors

The next step in technological development is that users can contact the right advisor via the Internet. Banks have realized that with the help of major advances in artificial intelligence (AI), they can test new customer channels by deploying chatbots capable of answering simple and frequently asked questions from online customers in writing or verbally. The biggest advantage of this software is its continuous availability 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Following the trend of virtual assistants, already widespread in e-commerce, the use of chatbots allows answers through social networks or directly through the chat on the bank’s website. This can reduce the workload of the often overloaded call centers. In addition, customers can be referred to the right person or consultant for more complex questions and inquiries that require special skills. According to a Gartner study published in late 2016, chatbots are expected to account for 20 percent of interactions that take place via mobile channels by next year across all industries.

Graphic Designer & Copywriter

The question of whether artificial intelligence will be able to replace graphic designers and copywriters in the future is controversial. Some believe that AI systems will be able to take over and possibly even improve on the work of graphic designers and copywriters. Others, on the other hand, believe that the creative work of graphic designers and copywriters cannot be replaced by machines.

It is quite possible that AI systems can take over certain tasks in the area of graphics and text, such as creating standard layouts or writing texts according to given rules. This could help reduce the workload of graphic designers and copywriters, giving them more time for creative tasks.

However, there are also numerous reasons why AI systems cannot completely replace the work of graphic designers and copywriters. The creative work in these areas is extremely diverse and requires a high level of empathy and originality, which is difficult for machines to achieve. In addition, the work of graphic designers and copywriters is highly dependent on the individual needs and wishes of customers, which makes it difficult to develop a universal AI solution.

Accountants and Controllers

From the automatic recognition of receipts to the reconciliation of accounts for the management of open items and the automated pre-posting of receipts – an AI can take over redundant (recurring) tasks in the field of accounting. This enables the automation of financial processes. Intelligent networks take over simple tasks in place of employees, including internal finance tasks. If, for example, an accounting program takes over the pre-accounting, an AI often works in the background and provides suggestions for the results. This minimizes the error rate, and in the end accountants or tax consultants have less work to do.

However, if incorrect pre-account assignments occur, they can be reposted and corrected manually in advanced accounting programs. Such “manual” changes are recorded by the system and used as experience for future pre-assignments. However, there are certain jobs that require the expertise of real experts that an AI cannot currently match. Nevertheless, the automated recording and processing of receipts supports a smooth accounting process and takes over time-consuming and unpleasant tasks from employees.

Customer Service Advisors and Call Center Agents

Not only do chatbots offer 24/7 flexibility, but there is a growing number of customers who prefer to chat rather than speak to a potentially semi-competent contact. This can also be a question of generation, since younger customers usually have no problem communicating with a bot.

However, the introduction of chatbots has also presented call centers with a challenge: The question of cost. Compared to call centers, chatbots are significantly less expensive overall, and as AI becomes more powerful, so do the capabilities of bots. They can now not only complete basic tasks on their own, such as providing instructions for use, confirmation or delivery dates, but also handle simpler technical processes, such as connecting a cable, converting a contract or processing a return. It is foreseeable that AI-based bots will also take on more complex tasks in the future.



Even if it is difficult to look into the future, I think that many job descriptions will not disappear completely, but will change significantly. People are not only confronted with the situation that jobs suddenly disappear due to AI systems, but in the future employees will also have to be able to carry out work processes in cooperation with AI systems in order to become even more efficient and profitable for companies. As already mentioned, politicians, companies and employees will be required to open themselves to the new possibilities and to be flexible in order to remain on track in global competition. Because in Germany we have allowed too many opportunities to be snatched away from our global competitors over the last few decades and have given away important market opportunities!

In any case, it is certain that the increasing use of AI systems in the world of work cannot be prevented. And why should you want that? Because even if there will of course be winners and losers, society as a whole will still be able to benefit if we do it right.

Even if it is difficult to look into the future, I think that many job descriptions will not disappear completely, but will change significantly. People are not only confronted with the situation that jobs suddenly disappear due to AI systems, but in the future employees will also have to be able to carry out work processes in cooperation with AI systems in order to become even more efficient and profitable for companies. As already mentioned, politicians, companies and employees will be required to open themselves to the new possibilities and to be flexible in order to remain on track in global competition. Because in Germany we have allowed too many opportunities to be snatched away from our global competitors over the last few decades and have given away important market opportunities!

In any case, it is certain that the increasing use of AI systems in the world of work cannot be prevented. And why should you want that? Because even if there will of course be winners and losers, society as a whole will still be able to benefit if we do it right.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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