Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Useful tips about Microsoft Windows

9 10, 2023

Windows 12 – Release, System-Requirements, Innovations

2023-10-09T04:59:13+02:00By |Categories: Artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Microsoft Office, Shorts & Tutorials, Uncategorized, Windows 10/11/12|Tags: |

There are indications that Windows 12 (codename: "Next Valley") will be released as early as 2024 and that ChatGPT (AI) will play a significant role.

30 09, 2023

Windows too slow? – Tuning tips for Windows 10/11

2023-09-30T07:08:32+02:00By |Categories: Shorts & Tutorials, Software, Windows 10/11/12|Tags: , , |

In this article, we offer you a series of optimization tips to boost Windows 10 and Windows 11 performance. From system maintenance to hardware upgrades, learn how to make your system faster and more efficient.

2 09, 2023

The most important CMD commands in Windows 10

2023-09-02T08:20:38+02:00By |Categories: Shorts & Tutorials, Windows 10/11/12|Tags: , |

The command line interface, CMD, is a core tool in Windows 10. It offers granular control and access to hidden features. Get to know the most important commands and get the most out of your Windows 10 system. A must for any advanced user!

10 08, 2023

Show WiFi password: For Windows, Android, iOS and Mac

2023-08-10T18:50:09+02:00By |Categories: Android / iOS, Data Protection, Mac OS, Shorts & Tutorials, Uncategorized, Windows 10/11/12|Tags: , , , , |

This article provides detailed instructions on how to extract WiFi passwords on Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. Whether you've forgotten your own password or need access to a legitimate network, these guides will help.

13 07, 2023

Windows 11 not compatible? – How to bypass the problem

2023-07-14T16:03:40+02:00By |Categories: Shorts & Tutorials, Windows 10/11/12|Tags: , , |

With Windows 11, Microsoft brings a wealth of improvements and new features. However, many older PCs do not meet the system requirements. This article will show you how to use special tools to install Windows 11 on these devices.

7 07, 2023

AI-powered surfing and shopping with Bing and Edge

2023-07-08T06:07:15+02:00By |Categories: Shorts & Tutorials, Artificial intelligence, Internet, Finance & Shopping, Microsoft Office, Windows 10/11/12|Tags: , |

Microsoft's new Bing and Edge combine search, browsing and chat into one seamless experience by working with OpenAI and the latest model GPT 4. With improved search functions, interactive chat and AI functions, surfing the web will be revolutionized.

6 07, 2023

Main keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10/11

2023-07-06T17:55:18+02:00By |Categories: Homeoffice, Microsoft Office, Shorts & Tutorials, Windows 10/11/12|Tags: |

Entdecken Sie die wichtigsten Shortcuts in Windows 11, um Ihre Produktivität zu steigern. Von allgemeinen Befehlen bis hin zu spezifischen Fenster-Management- und System-Shortcuts, lernen Sie, wie Sie mit diesen Tastenkombinationen effizienter arbeiten können.


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