Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

5 09, 2023

Private internet use at work – what is allowed?

2023-09-05T07:15:44+02:00By |Categories: Career, Data Protection, Shorts & Tutorials|Tags: , , |

Die private Internetnutzung am Arbeitsplatz kann ein heikles Thema in manchen Betrieben sein. Wir beleuchten was erlaubt ist, und geben Tipps wie Sie am besten zu einer Balance zwischen Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer kommen.

20 08, 2023

Internet Addiction – A serious look at a growing problem

2023-08-20T10:28:38+02:00By |Categories: Google, Homeoffice, Shorts & Tutorials|Tags: , , |

Internet addiction is just as serious an illness as alcohol or drug addiction. Just that this is a mental illness. In this article we want to go into the phenomenon in more detail and provide assistance.

1 07, 2023

Encrypt USB stick – These options are available

2023-07-01T08:23:42+02:00By |Categories: Shorts & Tutorials, Data Protection, Hardware, Homeoffice, Mac OS, Windows 10/11/12|Tags: , , |

Protecting sensitive data is essential. Encrypting USB sticks provides an extra layer of security. Whether it's built-in software, operating system features, third-party software, or hardware encryption, there are numerous options.

23 06, 2023

With the webcam to your dream job: Preparation for the video job interview!

2023-06-23T15:26:01+02:00By |Categories: Career, Hardware, Homeoffice, Shorts & Tutorials|Tags: , , |

Streamline your video interview with our tips on technique, setting, dress, body language and preparation. It's not quite success from the sofa, but this is where you can prove your professionalism.

17 07, 2022

Environmentally friendly printing for more Climate protection

2023-06-03T17:59:54+02:00By |Categories: Homeoffice, Shorts & Tutorials, Uncategorized|Tags: , |

Climate protection starts small. And so not only can costs be saved through environmentally friendly and conscious printing in the office, but the climate can also be protected.


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