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Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Get more accurate search results on Google

With over 4 billion search queries per month, Google, as the market leader, is way ahead of the competition, and users usually find the search result that most closely matches their query on the second page at the latest. Google learns with every search query from its users and is constantly improving the results. But even Google does not yet have any clairvoyant abilities.

You can refine your search results with a few simple tricks in order to get to the desired result faster without having to go through the search results list. We have summarized the best tips for a successful Google search and better results for you.

Mit diesen Tipps erhalten Sie genauere Suchergebnisse bei Google

Topic Overview


Get more accurate search results on Google

With over 4 billion search queries per month, Google, as the market leader, is way ahead of the competition, and users usually find the search result that most closely matches their query on the second page at the latest. Google learns with every search query from its users and is constantly improving the results. But even Google does not yet have any clairvoyant abilities.

You can refine your search results with a few simple tricks in order to get to the desired result faster without having to go through the search results list. We have summarized the best tips for a successful Google search and better results for you.

Mit diesen Tipps erhalten Sie genauere Suchergebnisse bei Google

Topic Overview


1. Search related terms

1. Search related terms

As soon as you enter more than one term on Google without bringing them into a context that Google can recognize, you will receive a very colorful list of results that contain the terms you are looking for, from which you then have to search for the result that suits you.


Enter related terms in quotation marks.

Example: Hans Müller

The result list then shows results where both “Hans” and “Müller” are included, but not necessarily in the desired context.

See fig. (Click to enlarge)

Zusammenhängende Begriffe bei Google suchen

The search now shows the desired results in which the terms are contained in exactly this order and connected.

Now change your information as follows:

Example: “Hans Müller”

the result suddenly looks completely different.

See fig. (Click to enlarge)

Zusammenhängende Begriffe richtig suchen

As soon as you enter more than one term on Google without bringing them into a context that Google can recognize, you will receive a very colorful list of results that contain the terms you are looking for, from which you then have to search for the result that suits you.


Enter related terms in quotation marks.

Example: Hans Müller

The result list then shows results where both “Hans” and “Müller” are included, but not necessarily in the desired context.

See fig. (Click to enlarge)

Zusammenhängende Begriffe bei Google suchen

The search now shows the desired results in which the terms are contained in exactly this order and connected.

Now change your information as follows:

Example: “Hans Müller”

the result suddenly looks completely different.

See fig. (Click to enlarge)

Zusammenhängende Begriffe richtig suchen

2. Exclude search terms

2. Exclude search terms

If you want to search for several terms, these are often entered intuitively, as if in a coherent sentence. Google is constantly learning, but to get better results you should refine your search a bit, otherwise the search results list may not contain all the terms.

The probability of this naturally increases with the number of terms searched for.


Enter a “+” between all the terms that should be included in the search.

Example: Hans + Müller + Hamburg + architect

The problem that will occur with the above search is, however, that our “Hans Müller” may be here is not found contiguous.

For this, it is advisable to combine several signs in your search:

Example: “Hans Müller” + Hamburg + architect

That way, by changing the signs, you can also better tailor your search. You can also exclude terms when searching with a minus (-) sign.

Example: “Hans Müller” + Hamburg – architect

In the above search, Hans Müller (related) + Hamburg (included in the article) – Architect (would not be included in the results) would appear.

In this way, you can sign and combine terms as you like.

If you want to search for several terms, these are often entered intuitively, as if in a coherent sentence. Google is constantly learning, but to get better results you should refine your search a bit, otherwise the search results list may not contain all the terms.

The probability of this naturally increases with the number of terms searched for.


Enter a “+” between all the terms that should be included in the search.

Example: Hans + Müller + Hamburg + architect

The problem that will occur with the above search is, however, that our “Hans Müller” may be here is not found contiguous.

For this, it is advisable to combine several signs in your search:

Example: “Hans Müller” + Hamburg + architect

That way, by changing the signs, you can also better tailor your search. You can also exclude terms when searching with a minus (-) sign.

Example: “Hans Müller” + Hamburg – architect

In the above search, Hans Müller (related) + Hamburg (included in the article) – Architect (would not be included in the results) would appear.

In this way, you can sign and combine terms as you like.

3. Search websites in a targeted manner

3. Search websites in a targeted manner

If you are looking for a certain piece of content on a website, you can also let Google do it easily instead of having to search through the page yourself.

Simply enter the following on Google:

Example: site: smartphone

Google will now limit the search to the page and show all results that contain the term “smartphone”.

As already shown in the previous tip, you can of course include search terms with a plus (+) sign, exclude them with a minus (-) sign, or display related terms with quotation marks (” “).

This way, you will spend significantly less time searching web pages for specific content.

If you are looking for a certain piece of content on a website, you can also let Google do it easily instead of having to search through the page yourself.

Simply enter the following on Google:

Example: site: smartphone

Google will now limit the search to the page and show all results that contain the term “smartphone”.

As already shown in the previous tip, you can of course include search terms with a plus (+) sign, exclude them with a minus (-) sign, or display related terms with quotation marks (” “).

This way, you will spend significantly less time searching web pages for specific content.

4. Word definitions explained quickly

4. Word definitions explained quickly

The politicians show us how to do it. They throw foreign words around as if it were carnival confetti. And while the viewer is still wondering what this or that term actually means, the debate is already on to the next topic.

Of course, you can simply enter the term on Google and you will find the solution that way.

But there is still a little better.


Simply enter “definition” in front of the foreign word you are looking for in the Google search bar.

Example: “definition dedicated”

See fig. (Click to enlarge)

Definition von Fremdwörtern in Google

As you can see, a definition of the foreign word from Google is displayed here before the explanation by the Duden.

The politicians show us how to do it. They throw foreign words around as if it were carnival confetti. And while the viewer is still wondering what this or that term actually means, the debate is already on to the next topic.

Of course, you can simply enter the term on Google and you will find the solution that way.

But there is still a little better.


Simply enter “definition” in front of the foreign word you are looking for in the Google search bar.

Example: “definition dedicated”

See fig. (Click to enlarge)

Definition von Fremdwörtern in Google

As you can see, a definition of the foreign word from Google is displayed here before the explanation by the Duden.

5. Search for specific file types

5. Search for specific file types

Usually you will search for certain content on websites on Google, but the search engine also offers the possibility to search for certain file types such as: “xlxs” (Excel) “docx” (Word) or PDF files.


Simply enter after your search term: “filetype: (file type)”.

“iphone 6s instructions filetype: pdf”

See fig. (Click to enlarge)


The search results will then show exactly what we were looking for.

Namely only PDF files.

Usually you will search for certain content on websites on Google, but the search engine also offers the possibility to search for certain file types such as: “xlxs” (Excel) “docx” (Word) or PDF files.


Simply enter after your search term: “filetype: (file type)”.

“iphone 6s instructions filetype: pdf”

See fig. (Click to enlarge)


The search results will then show exactly what we were looking for.

Namely only PDF files.

6. Hide offensive results

6. Hide offensive results

The world of terminology is sometimes full of ambiguities. It can happen that you are looking for a term that is often associated with offensive content. Fortunately, there is a simple remedy so that you don’t have to work your way through search results with a questionable level.

Just enter “safesearch:” in front of your search term.

Just try it out here:

The world of terminology is sometimes full of ambiguities. It can happen that you are looking for a term that is often associated with offensive content. Fortunately, there is a simple remedy so that you don’t have to work your way through search results with a questionable level.

Just enter “safesearch:” in front of your search term.

Just try it out here:

7. Exclude websites from search results

7. Exclude websites from search results

With some search terms, some websites seem to have the privilege of displaying them at the top of the search results lists. However, if you would like to see results outside of these pages without having to click on the 3rd or 4th page, there is a simple trick.

Simply enter “-site: (URL)” after the term you are looking for.

This will exclude this website from Google search results.

Example without: “-site: (url)”:

See fig. (Click to enlarge)

Seiten bei der Googlesuche ausschliessen

Example with: “-site: (URL):

See fig. (Click to enlarge)

Google Suche Seiten ausschliessen_2

As we can see, the list of results has changed significantly and in this way has led us to the desired results more quickly.

With some search terms, some websites seem to have the privilege of displaying them at the top of the search results lists. However, if you would like to see results outside of these pages without having to click on the 3rd or 4th page, there is a simple trick.

Simply enter “-site: (URL)” after the term you are looking for.

This will exclude this website from Google search results.

Example without: “-site: (url)”:

See fig. (Click to enlarge)

Seiten bei der Googlesuche ausschliessen

Example with: “-site: (URL):

See fig. (Click to enlarge)

Google Suche Seiten ausschliessen_2

As we can see, the list of results has changed significantly and in this way has led us to the desired results more quickly.

8. Search for similar sites

8. Search for similar sites

If you would like to display pages similar to the one you want (e.g. “”), then Google gives you the option of adapting the search results to your needs.

Just enter “related:” in front of the page you want similar results.

Example: “related:”

You can also enter a specific term and have it displayed on this page as well as on similar pages.

Example: “smartphone related:”

Now results are displayed that contain the term “smartphone” on and on similar sites.

If you would like to display pages similar to the one you want (e.g. “”), then Google gives you the option of adapting the search results to your needs.

Just enter “related:” in front of the page you want similar results.

Example: “related:”

You can also enter a specific term and have it displayed on this page as well as on similar pages.

Example: “smartphone related:”

Now results are displayed that contain the term “smartphone” on and on similar sites.

9. Define image search

9. Define image search

The fact that you can search explicitly for images on Google is certainly nothing new, but often you are not looking for just any images, but perhaps they should have a certain image format or a certain size.

Let’s take the following example:

You are looking for a new background image for your desktop and search through the Google image search for it. You have now entered the correct motto (e.g. nature), but the images must be scaled by your operating system in order to adapt them to your screen.

This can lead to undesirable results such as distorted images or cut edges.

Just narrow your search.

Then simply go to the “Search Options” tab when searching for images and select “Exactly” under Size.

See fig. (Click to enlarge)

Google Bildersuche definieren

Next, set the right size for you in pixels (width x height):

Example: Full HD corresponds to 1920 x 1080 pixels.

See fig. (Click to enlarge)

Exakte Bildergröße bei Google suchen

You will now only be shown search results that match your criteria.

The fact that you can search explicitly for images on Google is certainly nothing new, but often you are not looking for just any images, but perhaps they should have a certain image format or a certain size.

Let’s take the following example:

You are looking for a new background image for your desktop and search through the Google image search for it. You have now entered the correct motto (e.g. nature), but the images must be scaled by your operating system in order to adapt them to your screen.

This can lead to undesirable results such as distorted images or cut edges.

Just narrow your search.

Then simply go to the “Search Options” tab when searching for images and select “Exactly” under Size.

See fig. (Click to enlarge)

Google Bildersuche definieren

Next, set the right size for you in pixels (width x height):

Example: Full HD corresponds to 1920 x 1080 pixels.

See fig. (Click to enlarge)

Exakte Bildergröße bei Google suchen

You will now only be shown search results that match your criteria.

10. Have units converted

10. Have units converted

Google can not only search the entire Internet and provide us with the results of our search, but also do the arithmetic for us.

Simply enter the known quantity + unit (e.g. 50Kg) and also “in (unit you are looking for)”.

Example: “50kg in g”

See fig. (Click to enlarge)

Bei Google Einheiten umrechnen lassen

You are of course not limited to weight units, but can convert all known units of mass, area, space, time, etc.


Google can not only search the entire Internet and provide us with the results of our search, but also do the arithmetic for us.

Simply enter the known quantity + unit (e.g. 50Kg) and also “in (unit you are looking for)”.

Example: “50kg in g”

See fig. (Click to enlarge)

Bei Google Einheiten umrechnen lassen

You are of course not limited to weight units, but can convert all known units of mass, area, space, time, etc.


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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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