Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

8 11, 2023

From Rolls of Parchment to Petabytes – History of Storage Media

2023-11-17T08:08:24+01:00By |Categories: Hardware, Shorts & Tutorials|Tags: , |

The history of storage media is a fascinating journey through millennia of human ingenuity. It begins with simple writing boards and is currently ending in the limitless world of cloud technology. But the end is far from reached!

20 07, 2023

New iPhone batteries – more power and shorter charging times

2023-07-21T05:27:01+02:00By |Categories: Android / iOS, Hardware, Shorts & Tutorials, Software|Tags: , , , |

The next generation of iPhone batteries could represent a revolution in terms of performance, cooling and charging speed. With stacked cells and increased capacity, Apple promises a significant improvement in battery performance.

15 07, 2023

Google Chrome Flex – The operating system for older PCs

2023-07-15T06:42:16+02:00By |Categories: Google, Hardware, Shorts & Tutorials, Software|Tags: , , , |

Google Chrome Flex is an innovative solution that modernizes outdated computers. It's an operating system that can be installed on almost any PC or Mac and offers easy administration, fast deployment and strong security.

1 07, 2023

Encrypt USB stick – These options are available

2023-07-01T08:23:42+02:00By |Categories: Shorts & Tutorials, Data Protection, Hardware, Homeoffice, Mac OS, Windows 10/11/12|Tags: , , |

Protecting sensitive data is essential. Encrypting USB sticks provides an extra layer of security. Whether it's built-in software, operating system features, third-party software, or hardware encryption, there are numerous options.

30 06, 2023

How the E-Prescription works – Smartphone Requirements

2023-07-01T20:48:26+02:00By |Categories: Data Protection, Hardware, Shorts & Tutorials, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

Digitization in the healthcare system is taking the next step with the e-prescription. In this article we would like to shed light on the most important information on how the e-prescription works and what patients have to consider.


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