Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Fit for the digital world: Tips for digital competence

In today’s world, digital literacy is one of the most important skills one can possess. Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, affecting almost every aspect of our lives. To thrive in the digital world, you need to learn how to use digital technology, navigate the internet safely, communicate effectively, and build a career online. In this article we will show you some practical tips for becoming more digitally literate.

Digitale Kompetenz

Topic Overview


Fit for the digital world: Tips for digital competence

In today’s world, digital literacy is one of the most important skills one can possess. Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, affecting almost every aspect of our lives. To thrive in the digital world, you need to learn how to use digital technology, navigate the internet safely, communicate effectively, and build a career online. In this article we will show you some practical tips for becoming more digitally literate.

Digitale Kompetenz

Topic Overview


Why digital literacy matters

Why digital literacy matters

In a world that is becoming increasingly digital, digital literacy has become the new reading skill. In almost every aspect of life, from work to education to communication, it has become imperative to use digital technologies effectively and responsibly.

Digital competence: An indispensable skill in the 21st century

Our working world is becoming more and more digital. From online meetings and presentations to using specialized software and communicating via email, digital literacy is no longer a “nice extra” but a basic requirement in most jobs. Employers actively seek candidates who are not only tech-savvy, but also able to use digital tools critically and creatively to solve problems and drive innovation.

The key competence of our time

In education, digital competence is increasingly seen as a key competence. Students not only need to learn how to use a computer, but also how to research online, how to evaluate information, and how to use digital media effectively to communicate and collaborate.

But it’s not just the world of work and education that requires high levels of digital literacy. Digitization is also omnipresent in our everyday life. Whether online banking, shopping on the Internet, using navigation apps or communicating via social media – digital competence has become a key qualification for participation in modern society. In addition, an understanding of digital security is a central component of digital competence. At a time when online fraud, identity theft and cyberbullying are of increasing concern, knowing how to protect yourself and your data online is crucial.

Digital competence is not just a necessity, but a decisive factor for success in our digitized world. It prepares us to be responsible digital citizens, able to seize the opportunities of digitization while tackling its challenges.

In a world that is becoming increasingly digital, digital literacy has become the new reading skill. In almost every aspect of life, from work to education to communication, it has become imperative to use digital technologies effectively and responsibly.

Digital competence: An indispensable skill in the 21st century

Our working world is becoming more and more digital. From online meetings and presentations to using specialized software and communicating via email, digital literacy is no longer a “nice extra” but a basic requirement in most jobs. Employers actively seek candidates who are not only tech-savvy, but also able to use digital tools critically and creatively to solve problems and drive innovation.

The key competence of our time

In education, digital competence is increasingly seen as a key competence. Students not only need to learn how to use a computer, but also how to research online, how to evaluate information, and how to use digital media effectively to communicate and collaborate.

But it’s not just the world of work and education that requires high levels of digital literacy. Digitization is also omnipresent in our everyday life. Whether online banking, shopping on the Internet, using navigation apps or communicating via social media – digital competence has become a key qualification for participation in modern society. In addition, an understanding of digital security is a central component of digital competence. At a time when online fraud, identity theft and cyberbullying are of increasing concern, knowing how to protect yourself and your data online is crucial.

Digital competence is not just a necessity, but a decisive factor for success in our digitized world. It prepares us to be responsible digital citizens, able to seize the opportunities of digitization while tackling its challenges.

Learn the basics of digital technology

Learn the basics of digital technology

In an increasingly digital world where smartphones, tablets and computers are part of everyday life, understanding the basics of digital technology has become essential. Whether you’re just starting out in the digital universe or looking to brush up on your skills, here are some valuable tips and resources:

How to master the fundamentals of digital technology

First of all: Don’t worry! Digital technology may seem complex, but many aspects are intuitive and become clearer the more you delve into them. Start with the basics. Understand the differences between hardware and software. Learn how to use an operating system, manage files, and install and uninstall programs.

From there, you can start using applications and Familiarize yourself with software programs. Word, Excel and PowerPoint are often the basis for office work, but there are also many other useful tools. Learn how to compose and send an email, surf the web and use social media. Also, take the time to learn the basics of internet security. This includes protecting your personal information, recognizing and avoiding phishing attempts and surfing the Internet safely. A simple rule is: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.


There are many resources to help you on your digital journey. Sites like Codecademy and Khan Academy offer free courses in digital fundamentals and beyond. Libraries and community centers often offer computer courses for beginners. And don’t forget that the younger generation is often very tech-savvy. Children and grandchildren can often help solve basic technology problems. Digital technology is not a passing fad. It is an integral part of modern life and is likely to become increasingly important. By learning the basics of digital technology, you can ensure you are not left behind and take full advantage of the digital world.

In an increasingly digital world where smartphones, tablets and computers are part of everyday life, understanding the basics of digital technology has become essential. Whether you’re just starting out in the digital universe or looking to brush up on your skills, here are some valuable tips and resources:

How to master the fundamentals of digital technology

First of all: Don’t worry! Digital technology may seem complex, but many aspects are intuitive and become clearer the more you delve into them. Start with the basics. Understand the differences between hardware and software. Learn how to use an operating system, manage files, and install and uninstall programs.

From there, you can start using applications and Familiarize yourself with software programs. Word, Excel and PowerPoint are often the basis for office work, but there are also many other useful tools. Learn how to compose and send an email, surf the web and use social media. Also, take the time to learn the basics of internet security. This includes protecting your personal information, recognizing and avoiding phishing attempts and surfing the Internet safely. A simple rule is: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.


There are many resources to help you on your digital journey. Sites like Codecademy and Khan Academy offer free courses in digital fundamentals and beyond. Libraries and community centers often offer computer courses for beginners. And don’t forget that the younger generation is often very tech-savvy. Children and grandchildren can often help solve basic technology problems. Digital technology is not a passing fad. It is an integral part of modern life and is likely to become increasingly important. By learning the basics of digital technology, you can ensure you are not left behind and take full advantage of the digital world.

How to improve your digital security

How to improve your digital security

In an increasingly digital world, maintaining online safety is of paramount importance. Phishing attacks, data leaks, and other forms of cybercrime can cause significant damage. But with a few proven strategies, you can significantly improve your digital security.

Here are our top tips:

Practical tips for everyday life

Use strong, unique passwords: It may be tempting to use “123456” or “password” for your online accounts, but these are easy to guess and offer little protection. Instead, use strong, unique passwords that contain letters, numbers, and special characters. To keep track of all those passwords, you can use a password manager.

Update your software regularly: Software updates often include security patches that fix known security vulnerabilities. Therefore, always keep your operating system, apps and antivirus software up to date.

Be careful with phishing attempts: Cyber criminals often try to trick you into revealing sensitive information by posing as trusted institutions. Be wary of any email or message asking for personal information, and always double-check the sender’s address.

Use two-factor authentication: Two-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security by requiring you to enter additional information in addition to your password to access your account. For example, this can be a code sent to your phone.

Ensure secure connections: When you surf the Internet, make sure that the website you are visiting uses a secure connection. You can see this by looking for “https://” in your browser’s address bar.


Be careful with public WiFi networks: Public networks are often unsecured and can be used by cybercriminals to intercept your data. Use them with care and avoid entering sensitive information like credit card details when connected to a public network.

Even if this all seems like a lot to look out for, I can assure you that the longer you deal with it, the more routine it becomes. This way you can keep your digital security up to date and protect yourself from many online threats. Remember that security is just as important in the digital world as it is in the physical world. stay safe!

In an increasingly digital world, maintaining online safety is of paramount importance. Phishing attacks, data leaks, and other forms of cybercrime can cause significant damage. But with a few proven strategies, you can significantly improve your digital security.

Here are our top tips:

Practical tips for everyday life

Use strong, unique passwords: It may be tempting to use “123456” or “password” for your online accounts, but these are easy to guess and offer little protection. Instead, use strong, unique passwords that contain letters, numbers, and special characters. To keep track of all those passwords, you can use a password manager.

Update your software regularly: Software updates often include security patches that fix known security vulnerabilities. Therefore, always keep your operating system, apps and antivirus software up to date.

Be careful with phishing attempts: Cyber criminals often try to trick you into revealing sensitive information by posing as trusted institutions. Be wary of any email or message asking for personal information, and always double-check the sender’s address.

Use two-factor authentication: Two-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security by requiring you to enter additional information in addition to your password to access your account. For example, this can be a code sent to your phone.

Ensure secure connections: When you surf the Internet, make sure that the website you are visiting uses a secure connection. You can see this by looking for “https://” in your browser’s address bar.


Be careful with public WiFi networks: Public networks are often unsecured and can be used by cybercriminals to intercept your data. Use them with care and avoid entering sensitive information like credit card details when connected to a public network.

Even if this all seems like a lot to look out for, I can assure you that the longer you deal with it, the more routine it becomes. This way you can keep your digital security up to date and protect yourself from many online threats. Remember that security is just as important in the digital world as it is in the physical world. stay safe!

Discover new digital tools and apps

Discover new digital tools and apps

In today’s digital world, using tools and apps has become almost a necessity. From increasing productivity to entertainment, new digital tools and apps are constantly emerging to support us in all walks of life.

Have you ever lost a thought because you didn’t have a pen to write it down? Thanks to the explosive growth of technology, there are now digital solutions to this problem. Tools like Evernote or Microsoft OneNote make jotting down thoughts easier than ever. You can take notes, capture ideas, and even save photos and links, all in one place.

A journey through the digital landscape

For those who are struggling to focus on their work, there are a plethora of productivity apps that can help. Apps like Focus Keepers use the Pomodoro Technique to give you to help work more efficiently by combining blocks of work with short breaks. The health and fitness industry has also seen a huge digital boom. Apps like MyFitnessPal help users track their diet, while Fitbod creates personalized workouts based on your fitness level and available equipment.

When it comes to entertainment, the possibilities are almost unlimited. Apps like Spotify and Netflix have revolutionized the way we listen to music and watch movies and series, while mobile games like Candy Crush and Clash of Clans have delighted millions of users worldwide. These new digital tools and apps are helping to make our lives easier, more efficient and more fun. There has never been a better time to explore the possibilities of the digital landscape and how it can enrich your everyday life.

In today’s digital world, using tools and apps has become almost a necessity. From increasing productivity to entertainment, new digital tools and apps are constantly emerging to support us in all walks of life.

Have you ever lost a thought because you didn’t have a pen to write it down? Thanks to the explosive growth of technology, there are now digital solutions to this problem. Tools like Evernote or Microsoft OneNote make jotting down thoughts easier than ever. You can take notes, capture ideas, and even save photos and links, all in one place.

A journey through the digital landscape

For those who are struggling to focus on their work, there are a plethora of productivity apps that can help. Apps like Focus Keepers use the Pomodoro Technique to give you to help work more efficiently by combining blocks of work with short breaks. The health and fitness industry has also seen a huge digital boom. Apps like MyFitnessPal help users track their diet, while Fitbod creates personalized workouts based on your fitness level and available equipment.

When it comes to entertainment, the possibilities are almost unlimited. Apps like Spotify and Netflix have revolutionized the way we listen to music and watch movies and series, while mobile games like Candy Crush and Clash of Clans have delighted millions of users worldwide. These new digital tools and apps are helping to make our lives easier, more efficient and more fun. There has never been a better time to explore the possibilities of the digital landscape and how it can enrich your everyday life.

Learn how to communicate online

Learn how to communicate online

In an increasingly digitized world, where the dividing line between physical and virtual reality is becoming increasingly blurred, the ability to communicate online is more important than ever. The Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, giving us countless ways to express ourselves, share information and nurture relationships.

But how can we use these valuable digital tools most effectively?

Choose the right tool: From email to social media to video conferencing tools, there are endless choices for communication platforms. Think about which platform best suits your communication goal. Need a fast, informal chat tool like WhatsApp? Or do you need a more formal method of communication like email?

Respect Etiquette: Each platform has its own set of rules and expectations. For example, in a formal email business environment, correct grammar and punctuation are important. On social media, on the other hand, abbreviations and emojis are often the order of the day. Understand the rules of each platform and adjust your communications accordingly.

Be clear and concise: Without the benefit of non-verbal signals, online communication can easily lead to misunderstandings. Try to be clear and concise. Avoid unnecessary jargon and make sure your message is easy to understand.

Remember privacy: Remember that online communications are often permanent and public. Be careful with personal information and ensure that your communications remain secure and private at all times.

Exercise empathy: Behind every screen sits a human. Be respectful and understanding. Remember that tone and context can easily be lost in online communications.

In a world that is constantly evolving, one thing remains constant: the need to communicate effectively. By improving our online communication skills, we can ensure we are ready to face the digital future.

In an increasingly digitized world, where the dividing line between physical and virtual reality is becoming increasingly blurred, the ability to communicate online is more important than ever. The Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, giving us countless ways to express ourselves, share information and nurture relationships.

But how can we use these valuable digital tools most effectively?

Choose the right tool: From email to social media to video conferencing tools, there are endless choices for communication platforms. Think about which platform best suits your communication goal. Need a fast, informal chat tool like WhatsApp? Or do you need a more formal method of communication like email?

Respect Etiquette: Each platform has its own set of rules and expectations. For example, in a formal email business environment, correct grammar and punctuation are important. On social media, on the other hand, abbreviations and emojis are often the order of the day. Understand the rules of each platform and adjust your communications accordingly.

Be clear and concise: Without the benefit of non-verbal signals, online communication can easily lead to misunderstandings. Try to be clear and concise. Avoid unnecessary jargon and make sure your message is easy to understand.

Remember privacy: Remember that online communications are often permanent and public. Be careful with personal information and ensure that your communications remain secure and private at all times.

Exercise empathy: Behind every screen sits a human. Be respectful and understanding. Remember that tone and context can easily be lost in online communications.

In a world that is constantly evolving, one thing remains constant: the need to communicate effectively. By improving our online communication skills, we can ensure we are ready to face the digital future.

Use the internet to advance your career

Use the internet to advance your career

Digitization has revolutionized the world of work. The Internet has opened up countless opportunities for us to advance our careers. With the following five key strategies, you can use the Internet to achieve your career goals:

The 5 key strategies

1. Create a digital presence: LinkedIn, Xing and other professional networks offer the opportunity to present yourself online and make valuable contacts. Update your profile regularly and make sure it accurately reflects your skills and experience. A personal website or blog can also help boost your online presence and demonstrate your expertise in a particular area.

2. Networking: The online world offers countless opportunities for networking. Use social media platforms to connect with like-minded people, potential employers and industry experts. Attending webinars, online conferences, and industry forums can provide you with valuable insight and connections.

3. Continuing Education: The Internet offers a wealth of resources for lifelong learning. Online courses on platforms like Coursera or edX allow you to learn new skills or improve existing ones. Subscribe to industry blogs and podcasts to stay up to date and keep learning.

4. Online job search: Use company job portals and career sites to find suitable job offers. Many companies also offer online application procedures that speed up and simplify the application process.

5. Freelancing and remote work: The internet has opened the doors to a global job market. Platforms like Upwork or Fiverr allow you to work as a freelancer and serve clients all over the world. In addition, the Internet enables more and more people to work remotely, which gives you access to jobs and career opportunities that you might not otherwise have considered.

The Internet is neither your friend nor your enemy. It’s just a powerful tool when it comes to advancing your career, plain and simple. Use it to your advantage and discover how far you can go with it.

Digitization has revolutionized the world of work. The Internet has opened up countless opportunities for us to advance our careers. With the following five key strategies, you can use the Internet to achieve your career goals:

The 5 key strategies

1. Create a digital presence: LinkedIn, Xing and other professional networks offer the opportunity to present yourself online and make valuable contacts. Update your profile regularly and make sure it accurately reflects your skills and experience. A personal website or blog can also help boost your online presence and demonstrate your expertise in a particular area.

2. Networking: The online world offers countless opportunities for networking. Use social media platforms to connect with like-minded people, potential employers and industry experts. Attending webinars, online conferences, and industry forums can provide you with valuable insight and connections.

3. Continuing Education: The Internet offers a wealth of resources for lifelong learning. Online courses on platforms like Coursera or edX allow you to learn new skills or improve existing ones. Subscribe to industry blogs and podcasts to stay up to date and keep learning.

4. Online job search: Use company job portals and career sites to find suitable job offers. Many companies also offer online application procedures that speed up and simplify the application process.

5. Freelancing and remote work: The internet has opened the doors to a global job market. Platforms like Upwork or Fiverr allow you to work as a freelancer and serve clients all over the world. In addition, the Internet enables more and more people to work remotely, which gives you access to jobs and career opportunities that you might not otherwise have considered.

The Internet is neither your friend nor your enemy. It’s just a powerful tool when it comes to advancing your career, plain and simple. Use it to your advantage and discover how far you can go with it.

Stay up to date: The future of the digital world

Stay up to date: The future of the digital world

An odyssey through innovation & technology

We live in a world shaped by digital technology, a world that is constantly moving and evolving. The digital revolution has spread well beyond the confines of computing, penetrating areas such as education, healthcare, agriculture and the arts. However, as progress accelerates, important questions arise:

  • What will the future of the digital world look like and what role will digital competence play?

A central aspect of this future is artificial intelligence (AI). With advances in machine learning and data analytics, AI is enabling a new generation of intelligent applications, from autonomous vehicles to personalized medicine to speech recognition and translation. Experts predict that AI will become even more integrated into our daily lives in the coming years, revolutionizing how we interact with technology.

Another important trend is the Internet of Things (IoT). With billions of devices connected worldwide, from refrigerators to streetlights to smartwatches, the IoT will radically change the way we live and work. It enables smart cities, where infrastructures are managed more efficiently, and smart homes, which make our lives more comfortable and safer.

The Blockchain technology, known from cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, has the potential transforming the way we transact and create trust on digital networks. It could also help solve problems in areas such as identity theft, voter fraud and intellectual property.

However, these technological advances also raise new challenges. It is becoming increasingly important that all people have the digital skills they need to thrive in this new world. This includes not only technical skills such as programming, but also an understanding of topics such as data protection, cyber security and digital ethics.

It is clear that digital literacy will play a crucial role in the future of the digital world. It is up to all of us to ensure we are prepared for this change and take full advantage of the opportunities it presents.

An odyssey through innovation & technology

We live in a world shaped by digital technology, a world that is constantly moving and evolving. The digital revolution has spread well beyond the confines of computing, penetrating areas such as education, healthcare, agriculture and the arts. However, as progress accelerates, important questions arise:

  • What will the future of the digital world look like and what role will digital competence play?

A central aspect of this future is artificial intelligence (AI). With advances in machine learning and data analytics, AI is enabling a new generation of intelligent applications, from autonomous vehicles to personalized medicine to speech recognition and translation. Experts predict that AI will become even more integrated into our daily lives in the coming years, revolutionizing how we interact with technology.

Another important trend is the Internet of Things (IoT). With billions of devices connected worldwide, from refrigerators to streetlights to smartwatches, the IoT will radically change the way we live and work. It enables smart cities, where infrastructures are managed more efficiently, and smart homes, which make our lives more comfortable and safer.

The Blockchain technology, known from cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, has the potential transforming the way we transact and create trust on digital networks. It could also help solve problems in areas such as identity theft, voter fraud and intellectual property.

However, these technological advances also raise new challenges. It is becoming increasingly important that all people have the digital skills they need to thrive in this new world. This includes not only technical skills such as programming, but also an understanding of topics such as data protection, cyber security and digital ethics.

It is clear that digital literacy will play a crucial role in the future of the digital world. It is up to all of us to ensure we are prepared for this change and take full advantage of the opportunities it presents.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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