Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

More website visitors through your blog

After exploring the topic of SSL certificates, their importance for your visitors, and of course Google, as well as the relevance of Responsive Design in the last part, we will address the issue in the fourth and last part of our small series Whether it makes sense to run your own blog, and how far this is significant for your Google ranking.

Off in the final spurt with the 4th and for the time being last part of our series …

More visitors to the website through a blog

Topic Overview


More website visitors through your blog

After exploring the topic of SSL certificates, their importance for your visitors, and of course Google, as well as the relevance of Responsive Design in the last part, we will address the issue in the fourth and last part of our small series Whether it makes sense to run your own blog, and how far this is significant for your Google ranking.

Off in the final spurt with the 4th and for the time being last part of our series …

More visitors to the website through a blog

Topic Overview


1. What brings me more: blog or vlog?

1. What brings me more: blog or vlog?

A decision for life?

Blog oder Vlog?

Of course, you do not have to make a decision for life.

The question that comes up much more is how much time you want to put into creating your content.

The advantage of using a VLOG (blog in the form of videos) over plain text is firstly that it can usually give you a greater chance of faster viral distribution via YouTube, provided the content is really good. And secondly, content on video is actually consumed more often than plain text, which of course is due to the evolution of our time, as the combination of image and sound is always easier to capture and understand than just an element in itself.

The flip side of a VLOG is the increased amount of time you spend on such videos.

Because on the one hand you need the appropriate equipment, and on the other hand it can be heard again and again in successful YouTubern that a good video is usually not the first take in the box, but multiple attempts needs (slip of the tongue, the light is not optimal, etc.).

And finally you have to cut it to a suitable length so that it does not become a mammoth video, but always keeps the viewer happy.


Last but not least, it is not so easy for everyone to stand in front of the camera and bring content over in an appealing way. Some people can just better express things in text form. So it is also important that you feel comfortable with what you are doing, and not try convincingly to implement something where you actually do not feel at home.

In order to finally answer the actual initial question, which is better now: BLOG or VLOG, in the best case, I can advise you to force a mixture of both, as long as you have the necessary resources for your core business.

A decision for life?

Blog oder Vlog?

Of course, you do not have to make a decision for life.

The question that comes up much more is how much time you want to put into creating your content.

The advantage of using a VLOG (blog in the form of videos) over plain text is firstly that it can usually give you a greater chance of faster viral distribution via YouTube, provided the content is really good. And secondly, content on video is actually consumed more often than plain text, which of course is due to the evolution of our time, as the combination of image and sound is always easier to capture and understand than just an element in itself.

The flip side of a VLOG is the increased amount of time you spend on such videos.

Because on the one hand you need the appropriate equipment, and on the other hand it can be heard again and again in successful YouTubern that a good video is usually not the first take in the box, but multiple attempts needs (slip of the tongue, the light is not optimal, etc.).

And finally you have to cut it to a suitable length so that it does not become a mammoth video, but always keeps the viewer happy.


Last but not least, it is not so easy for everyone to stand in front of the camera and bring content over in an appealing way. Some people can just better express things in text form. So it is also important that you feel comfortable with what you are doing, and not try convincingly to implement something where you actually do not feel at home.

In order to finally answer the actual initial question, which is better now: BLOG or VLOG, in the best case, I can advise you to force a mixture of both, as long as you have the necessary resources for your core business.

2. How does a blog affect my Google Ranking?

2. How does a blog affect my Google Ranking?

The principle of action and reaction

Aktion und Reaktion

To answer the question if and in how far an own blog influences the Google ranking I would like to go further.

First, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the number of direct competitors in your industry with comparable core products?
  • How many of them operate their own news blog?

The group of those who are left are the ones you should take a closer look at.

Because of all the others, you have already stood out with your offer, and offer a clear added value to all who do not run a blog.

So if the question is “How does a blog affect my Google Ranking?” then it has to be said that Google is a feline for “unique content”.

What does this mean every time you publish new and (important!) Own content that offers added value to users, Google will attract attention because Googlebot indexes all websites at irregular intervals in order to get the most up-to-date information available online To offer users the best results in terms of their search.

Now you might say that you do not have such unique content, because everything has been written and reported on before.

Yes, of course, any topic has ever been touched by anyone before.

But the content is not unique to Google “Unique” because you’re the first to report it, but because it’s your own thoughts and helpful experiences about a topic that has been published.

Therefore, I strongly advise against (for copyright protection reasons) rauszukopieren just somewhere foreign products, and only marginally change this then like old wine in new hoses offer.

Your readership has not gotten out of your head, and will soon find out if you know what you are writing about and report on your own experiences, or if you are a plagiarist!

In short, having your own blog can and will significantly influence your Google ranking over time, as long as you do not run Clickbait and offer real value.


The principle of action and reaction

Aktion und Reaktion

To answer the question if and in how far an own blog influences the Google ranking I would like to go further.

First, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the number of direct competitors in your industry with comparable core products?
  • How many of them operate their own news blog?

The group of those who are left are the ones you should take a closer look at.

Because of all the others, you have already stood out with your offer, and offer a clear added value to all who do not run a blog.

So if the question is “How does a blog affect my Google Ranking?” then it has to be said that Google is a feline for “unique content”.

What does this mean every time you publish new and (important!) Own content that offers added value to users, Google will attract attention because Googlebot indexes all websites at irregular intervals in order to get the most up-to-date information available online To offer users the best results in terms of their search.

Now you might say that you do not have such unique content, because everything has been written and reported on before.

Yes, of course, any topic has ever been touched by anyone before.

But the content is not unique to Google “Unique” because you’re the first to report it, but because it’s your own thoughts and helpful experiences about a topic that has been published.

Therefore, I strongly advise against (for copyright protection reasons) rauszukopieren just somewhere foreign products, and only marginally change this then like old wine in new hoses offer.

Your readership has not gotten out of your head, and will soon find out if you know what you are writing about and report on your own experiences, or if you are a plagiarist!

In short, having your own blog can and will significantly influence your Google ranking over time, as long as you do not run Clickbait and offer real value.


3. How do I find good topics for my blog?

3. How do I find good topics for my blog?

The needle in a haystack?

Blogthema gesucht?

The question about which topic one should write because, is not really so in the beginning because here the ideas just bubble, and can be reported on everything possible.

But eventually comes the time when you think that actually everything was said about a topic. In order not to let the time of great emptiness break, it is important to know your target audience as well as possible, and to write helpful posts that are relevant for this group.

And how do I know what my target audience is interested in?

Well, since we know that most readers will probably find us (and as they wish) via Organic Google Search, we can simply ask Google what the search volume is for certain keywords, and which trends are currently in the spotlight.

I recommend the Google AdWords keyword Planner and Google Trends for search queries.

So you can see that Google is providing us with very good tools to optimally plan our content and target it.

It may take quite a bit of time, but it may be better to spend some time planning and preparing for it, than turning your head in the sand later on, because the traffic you’re looking for on your website does not go away despite all the writing!

The needle in a haystack?

Blogthema gesucht?

The question about which topic one should write because, is not really so in the beginning because here the ideas just bubble, and can be reported on everything possible.

But eventually comes the time when you think that actually everything was said about a topic. In order not to let the time of great emptiness break, it is important to know your target audience as well as possible, and to write helpful posts that are relevant for this group.

And how do I know what my target audience is interested in?

Well, since we know that most readers will probably find us (and as they wish) via Organic Google Search, we can simply ask Google what the search volume is for certain keywords, and which trends are currently in the spotlight.

I recommend the Google AdWords keyword Planner and Google Trends for search queries.

So you can see that Google is providing us with very good tools to optimally plan our content and target it.

It may take quite a bit of time, but it may be better to spend some time planning and preparing for it, than turning your head in the sand later on, because the traffic you’re looking for on your website does not go away despite all the writing!

4. How do I get more readers for my blog?

4. How do I get more readers for my blog?

Werbung im eigenen Blog schalten?
Kauf auch du bei der Nummer 1!

Well, now we have done everything

  • The target audience is known
  • The topics are there
  • The layout is up
  • and the readership is missing?

Pretty much everyone who starts with the first own blog depends on the problem. That’s where you produce really good content, and nobody seems to care. But believe me, it’s just plain so that the internet user gets flooded with information, and of course you’re not the only one to report on a specific topic.

Do good and talk about it

We already reported on the importance of social networking in the second part of our series. And just as we have reported there about our company, we must also handle this with our blog posts so. Which means you must advertise and share all your new posts in your active social networks (especially in groups!).

Turn on the booster

Advertise your posts actively through ads on Facebook or Google AdWords, and drive more traffic to your page.

Where and to what extent you advertise is always a bit dependent on where your target audience most often encounters.

In my experience, the booster on paid ads works on the principle:

2 steps ahead, and 1 step back

So, if the ad is running, and the post fits in perfectly with the previously chosen keywords, you’ll first see a decent surge in traffic while the same amount of money goes away faster than it deserves. Of course, after the ad is paused or stopped, user numbers will go down, but you will see a lasting upward trend.

Save your money and spend a little more time planning your paid advertising.

What does it mean that you can quickly pump a small fortune into advertising without achieving the desired success, if you do not know in advance exactly which target group you want to address and what you should do on your side, if possible.

For one thing, we want to offer users added value with our contributions, of course, but on the other hand, even a blogger does not live on air and love alone, but also wants to sell his products.

Finally, after all the measures we have taken to give our blog the necessary boost to say the following:


A lot of self-employed and self-employed people who either run a blog alongside their core business or who have made blogging their main activity do not fail because their products or their contributions are bad, but because they throw the gun too fast.

Stay on the ball and spend at least 1 year looking back on a meaningful period of time, and reassessing the evolution through numbers (sales, traffic through Google Analytics, etc.).

Werbung im eigenen Blog schalten?
Kauf auch du bei der Nummer 1!

Well, now we have done everything

  • The target audience is known
  • The topics are there
  • The layout is up
  • and the readership is missing?

Pretty much everyone who starts with the first own blog depends on the problem. That’s where you produce really good content, and nobody seems to care. But believe me, it’s just plain so that the internet user gets flooded with information, and of course you’re not the only one to report on a specific topic.

Do good and talk about it

We already reported on the importance of social networking in the second part of our series. And just as we have reported there about our company, we must also handle this with our blog posts so. Which means you must advertise and share all your new posts in your active social networks (especially in groups!).

Turn on the booster

Advertise your posts actively through ads on Facebook or Google AdWords, and drive more traffic to your page.

Where and to what extent you advertise is always a bit dependent on where your target audience most often encounters.

In my experience, the booster on paid ads works on the principle:

2 steps ahead, and 1 step back

So, if the ad is running, and the post fits in perfectly with the previously chosen keywords, you’ll first see a decent surge in traffic while the same amount of money goes away faster than it deserves. Of course, after the ad is paused or stopped, user numbers will go down, but you will see a lasting upward trend.

Save your money and spend a little more time planning your paid advertising.

What does it mean that you can quickly pump a small fortune into advertising without achieving the desired success, if you do not know in advance exactly which target group you want to address and what you should do on your side, if possible.

For one thing, we want to offer users added value with our contributions, of course, but on the other hand, even a blogger does not live on air and love alone, but also wants to sell his products.

Finally, after all the measures we have taken to give our blog the necessary boost to say the following:


A lot of self-employed and self-employed people who either run a blog alongside their core business or who have made blogging their main activity do not fail because their products or their contributions are bad, but because they throw the gun too fast.

Stay on the ball and spend at least 1 year looking back on a meaningful period of time, and reassessing the evolution through numbers (sales, traffic through Google Analytics, etc.).


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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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