Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Is ChatGPT a real competitor for Google?

In the last few weeks and months you had to cover your eyes and ears to avoid being confronted with ChatGPT in any form at some point. The media has been busy with what this will mean for our working world, but also for the big tech giants like Google, Facebook, Amazon & Co. Even if many have gotten used to abbreviations that hardly anyone knows, I would like to explain right at the beginning what the “GPT” in “ChatGPT” actually means.

The “GPT” in “ChatGPT” stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer“.

ChatGPT Konkurrenz fuer Google

Topic Overview


This explanation will probably still trigger question marks in many people’s minds. But that is exactly what this article is about. We want to shed light on what “ChatGPT” actually does and how it is to be evaluated in the context of Google. Is “ChatGPT” actually a real competitor to Google search, and will it be able to replace Google sooner or later? One thing should already be said in advance: A giant like Google doesn’t let itself be shipped to the siding that quickly! Because Google has had its own AI for a long time, which we will also address later in this article.

Note: This article can only partially shed light on the complex topic of artificial intelligence with its many forms, and is also not free from subjective evaluations and opinions on the part of the author.

Is ChatGPT a real competitor for Google?

In the last few weeks and months you had to cover your eyes and ears to avoid being confronted with ChatGPT in any form at some point. The media has been busy with what this will mean for our working world, but also for the big tech giants like Google, Facebook, Amazon & Co. Even if many have gotten used to abbreviations that hardly anyone knows, I would like to explain right at the beginning what the “GPT” in “ChatGPT” actually means.

The “GPT” in “ChatGPT” stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer“.

ChatGPT Konkurrenz fuer Google

Topic Overview


This explanation will probably still trigger question marks in many people’s minds. But that is exactly what this article is about. We want to shed light on what “ChatGPT” actually does and how it is to be evaluated in the context of Google. Is “ChatGPT” actually a real competitor to Google search, and will it be able to replace Google sooner or later? One thing should already be said in advance: A giant like Google doesn’t let itself be shipped to the siding that quickly! Because Google has had its own AI for a long time, which we will also address later in this article.

Note: This article can only partially shed light on the complex topic of artificial intelligence with its many forms, and is also not free from subjective evaluations and opinions on the part of the author.

Difference between ChatGPT and Google

Difference between ChatGPT and Google

As an artificial intelligence (AI) and chatbot, ChatGPT is part of the broader development in the field of AI and natural language processing (NLP). These technologies are increasingly used in various fields to enable human-like interactions between computers and users. ChatGPT is quite capable of interpreting human language correctly in large parts and presenting a grammatically correct answer, which, however, is often kept very general and is often simply wrong or at least incomplete. The database of the AI is also currently 2 years old as of September 2021, and therefore cannot respond to events or findings that took place after September 2021.

Google is a search engine that searches the entire Internet 24/7, and uses the results to map the entire content of the Internet on its own servers, and tries to present the best and most up-to-date search results for users using a constantly evolving algorithm. In addition to the search engine, Google offers a variety of services and products, including:

  • Google Chrome, a web browser
  • Google Maps, an online map service
  • Gmail (Gmail), an email service
  • Google Drive, a cloud storage service
  • Google Docs, a suite of office applications
  • Google Translate, an online translation service
  • YouTube, a video sharing platform

Google is also active in artificial intelligence, self-driving cars and virtual reality. The company has demonstrated great innovative strength in recent years and is one of the most valuable companies in the world. So here it becomes clear that the range of products that Google offers is very different from what ChatGPT does.

As an artificial intelligence (AI) and chatbot, ChatGPT is part of the broader development in the field of AI and natural language processing (NLP). These technologies are increasingly used in various fields to enable human-like interactions between computers and users. ChatGPT is quite capable of interpreting human language correctly in large parts and presenting a grammatically correct answer, which, however, is often kept very general and is often simply wrong or at least incomplete. The database of the AI is also currently 2 years old as of September 2021, and therefore cannot respond to events or findings that took place after September 2021.

Google is a search engine that searches the entire Internet 24/7, and uses the results to map the entire content of the Internet on its own servers, and tries to present the best and most up-to-date search results for users using a constantly evolving algorithm. In addition to the search engine, Google offers a variety of services and products, including:

  • Google Chrome, a web browser
  • Google Maps, an online map service
  • Gmail (Gmail), an email service
  • Google Drive, a cloud storage service
  • Google Docs, a suite of office applications
  • Google Translate, an online translation service
  • YouTube, a video sharing platform

Google is also active in artificial intelligence, self-driving cars and virtual reality. The company has demonstrated great innovative strength in recent years and is one of the most valuable companies in the world. So here it becomes clear that the range of products that Google offers is very different from what ChatGPT does.

Which AI systems are currently available

Which AI systems are currently available

The topic of AI is far from new, and so some large and small companies have looked into the possibilities of machine learning. However, the further development of AI systems is an extremely costly and time-consuming investment path that not every company is willing or able to continue. Here are some of the most important and largest companies involved in the further development of AI systems.

Apple SIRI

Apple Siri is a virtual voice assistant developed by Apple. Siri was first introduced on the iPhone 4S in 2011 and has since been available on numerous Apple products, including iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, Apple TVs and Mac computers.
Siri works by using speech recognition and processing technology to understand and respond to user questions and requests. Siri can help users complete a variety of tasks, such as playing music, setting up calendar events, sending text messages, browsing the web, controlling smart home devices, and more.

Siri also uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to adapt to the user’s preferences and needs and provide better responses to requests. Siri is constantly evolving and improving to provide users with an ever better experience.

Amazon Alexa

Amazon Alexa is a virtual voice assistant developed by Amazon. Alexa first debuted on the Amazon Echo in 2014 and has since become available on many different devices, including smart home devices, TVs, and even cars.

Alexa works by using speech recognition and processing technology to understand and respond to user questions and requests. Alexa can help users complete a variety of tasks, such as playing music, setting up calendar events, sending text messages, browsing the web, controlling smart home devices, and more.

Alexa also uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to adapt to the user’s preferences and needs and provide better responses to requests. Alexa is constantly evolving and improving to provide users with an ever better experience.

Microsoft Cortana

Microsoft Cortana is a virtual voice assistant developed by Microsoft. Cortana was first introduced on Windows Phone in 2014 and has since been available on various Microsoft products such as Windows 10, Xbox and Microsoft Teams.

Cortana works by using speech recognition and processing technology to understand and respond to user questions and requests. Cortana can help users complete a variety of tasks, such as playing music, setting up calendar events, sending text messages, browsing the web, and more.

Cortana also uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to adapt to the user’s preferences and needs and provide better responses to requests. Cortana also offers features like personalized recommendations and reminders based on user behavior.

Although Cortana is still available on many Microsoft products, the company has stopped development and support for some platforms, such as Cortana on iOS and Android.

IBM Watson

IBM Watson is a cognitive computing system developed by IBM and is one of the most advanced AI platforms in the world. Watson is able to analyze and understand large amounts of structured and unstructured data, including text, images, audio and video.

Watson uses a combination of machine learning, artificial intelligence and natural language processing to make decisions and solve problems. The platform can be used in various industries and applications including healthcare, finance, education, energy and many more.

Watson has had many important achievements, including winning the American quiz show Jeopardy! in 2011 against human participants. Watson has also been employed in cancer research to help doctors diagnose and treat patients, and in the financial industry to make investment decisions and mitigate risk.

IBM Watson also provides a variety of tools and APIs for developers and businesses to build their own applications and solutions on the platform.


Tesla KI-Systeme

Tesla is an electric vehicle company that has also made great strides in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years. Tesla’s AI technology is used in particular for autonomous driving and the assistance systems in vehicles.

Tesla’s AI systems are based on an extensive network of cameras, sensors and algorithms that enable the vehicle to recognize and react to objects. This technology is called “Autopilot” and offers a range of functions such as automatic lane keeping, adaptive cruise control and emergency braking assistance.

Tesla continuously collects data from the vehicles’ cameras and sensors to improve and optimize the performance of the AI algorithms. This data is then analyzed on Tesla’s servers and the algorithms are updated accordingly.
Tesla has also made advances in machine learning to further enhance the Autopilot system’s capabilities. By collecting data from a large number of vehicles and their driving behavior, the system may be able to make better future decisions and adapt to different driving situations.

Although Tesla’s autopilot systems are considered advanced, there are also concerns about the safety and reliability of the technology. However, Tesla is continually working to address these concerns and maximize the potential of AI technology for autonomous driving.

The topic of AI is far from new, and so some large and small companies have looked into the possibilities of machine learning. However, the further development of AI systems is an extremely costly and time-consuming investment path that not every company is willing or able to continue. Here are some of the most important and largest companies involved in the further development of AI systems.

Apple SIRI

Apple Siri is a virtual voice assistant developed by Apple. Siri was first introduced on the iPhone 4S in 2011 and has since been available on numerous Apple products, including iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches, Apple TVs and Mac computers.
Siri works by using speech recognition and processing technology to understand and respond to user questions and requests. Siri can help users complete a variety of tasks, such as playing music, setting up calendar events, sending text messages, browsing the web, controlling smart home devices, and more.

Siri also uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to adapt to the user’s preferences and needs and provide better responses to requests. Siri is constantly evolving and improving to provide users with an ever better experience.

Amazon Alexa

Amazon Alexa is a virtual voice assistant developed by Amazon. Alexa first debuted on the Amazon Echo in 2014 and has since become available on many different devices, including smart home devices, TVs, and even cars.

Alexa works by using speech recognition and processing technology to understand and respond to user questions and requests. Alexa can help users complete a variety of tasks, such as playing music, setting up calendar events, sending text messages, browsing the web, controlling smart home devices, and more.

Alexa also uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to adapt to the user’s preferences and needs and provide better responses to requests. Alexa is constantly evolving and improving to provide users with an ever better experience.

Microsoft Cortana

Microsoft Cortana is a virtual voice assistant developed by Microsoft. Cortana was first introduced on Windows Phone in 2014 and has since been available on various Microsoft products such as Windows 10, Xbox and Microsoft Teams.

Cortana works by using speech recognition and processing technology to understand and respond to user questions and requests. Cortana can help users complete a variety of tasks, such as playing music, setting up calendar events, sending text messages, browsing the web, and more.

Cortana also uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to adapt to the user’s preferences and needs and provide better responses to requests. Cortana also offers features like personalized recommendations and reminders based on user behavior.

Although Cortana is still available on many Microsoft products, the company has stopped development and support for some platforms, such as Cortana on iOS and Android.

IBM Watson

IBM Watson is a cognitive computing system developed by IBM and is one of the most advanced AI platforms in the world. Watson is able to analyze and understand large amounts of structured and unstructured data, including text, images, audio and video.

Watson uses a combination of machine learning, artificial intelligence and natural language processing to make decisions and solve problems. The platform can be used in various industries and applications including healthcare, finance, education, energy and many more.

Watson has had many important achievements, including winning the American quiz show Jeopardy! in 2011 against human participants. Watson has also been employed in cancer research to help doctors diagnose and treat patients, and in the financial industry to make investment decisions and mitigate risk.

IBM Watson also provides a variety of tools and APIs for developers and businesses to build their own applications and solutions on the platform.


Tesla KI-Systeme

Tesla is an electric vehicle company that has also made great strides in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years. Tesla’s AI technology is used in particular for autonomous driving and the assistance systems in vehicles.

Tesla’s AI systems are based on an extensive network of cameras, sensors and algorithms that enable the vehicle to recognize and react to objects. This technology is called “Autopilot” and offers a range of functions such as automatic lane keeping, adaptive cruise control and emergency braking assistance.

Tesla continuously collects data from the vehicles’ cameras and sensors to improve and optimize the performance of the AI algorithms. This data is then analyzed on Tesla’s servers and the algorithms are updated accordingly.
Tesla has also made advances in machine learning to further enhance the Autopilot system’s capabilities. By collecting data from a large number of vehicles and their driving behavior, the system may be able to make better future decisions and adapt to different driving situations.

Although Tesla’s autopilot systems are considered advanced, there are also concerns about the safety and reliability of the technology. However, Tesla is continually working to address these concerns and maximize the potential of AI technology for autonomous driving.

What is Google Bard?

What is Google Bard?

So we can state that ChatGPT did not reinvent the AI, but was able to optimize the type of interaction with humans in such a way that it feels very natural for the user to communicate with the AI. ChatGPT is also revolutionary in that it is able to understand human speech and provide the appropriate answers much better than previous AI systems were able to do. Because anyone who uses Amazon Alexa or the Google Assistant will have often experienced that the system did not understand what the user wanted. Humans have to move within very narrow limits in their way of expression so that the “AI” does what it is supposed to do.

Google BARD

Während ChatGPT seinen Marktstart erst im November 2022 hatte, arbeitet Google bereits seit mehreren Jahren an einem eigenen System das dem von ChatGPT sehr ähnelt. Und zwar handelt es sich um “Google Bard” Ursprünglich Google BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) ist ein KI-Modell von Google, das natürliche Sprachverarbeitung (NLP) verwendet. BERT wurde im Jahr 2018 eingeführt und nutzt eine fortschrittliche Form von Deep Learning, um komplexe Sprachaufgaben wie Frage-Antwort-Paare und Spracherkennung zu bewältigen.

While ChatGPT only launched in November 2022, Google has been working on its own system for several years, which is very similar to ChatGPT. Namely, it is “Google Bard” Originally Google BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is an AI model from Google that uses natural language processing (NLP). Introduced in 2018, BERT uses an advanced form of deep learning to tackle complex language tasks like question-answer pairs and speech recognition.

In 2021, Google introduced a new version of BERT called “Google BERT-based AutoRegressive Decoder(BARD for short), which builds on the original BERT model and improves its text generation capabilities. Unlike previous models, BARD is able to write texts based on an input of a few words or a phrase.

BARD is able to generate text in a variety of styles and contexts, including news, poetry, fiction, dialogue and more. Google has stated that the technology can be used not only to automatically generate text, but also to improve machine translation, speech recognition and conversational skills.


Google BARD is an important step in the development of AI technologies for natural language processing and has the potential to change the way we interact with machines and how we create and consume content on the internet.

So we can state that ChatGPT did not reinvent the AI, but was able to optimize the type of interaction with humans in such a way that it feels very natural for the user to communicate with the AI. ChatGPT is also revolutionary in that it is able to understand human speech and provide the appropriate answers much better than previous AI systems were able to do. Because anyone who uses Amazon Alexa or the Google Assistant will have often experienced that the system did not understand what the user wanted. Humans have to move within very narrow limits in their way of expression so that the “AI” does what it is supposed to do.

Google BARD

Während ChatGPT seinen Marktstart erst im November 2022 hatte, arbeitet Google bereits seit mehreren Jahren an einem eigenen System das dem von ChatGPT sehr ähnelt. Und zwar handelt es sich um “Google Bard” Ursprünglich Google BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) ist ein KI-Modell von Google, das natürliche Sprachverarbeitung (NLP) verwendet. BERT wurde im Jahr 2018 eingeführt und nutzt eine fortschrittliche Form von Deep Learning, um komplexe Sprachaufgaben wie Frage-Antwort-Paare und Spracherkennung zu bewältigen.

While ChatGPT only launched in November 2022, Google has been working on its own system for several years, which is very similar to ChatGPT. Namely, it is “Google Bard” Originally Google BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is an AI model from Google that uses natural language processing (NLP). Introduced in 2018, BERT uses an advanced form of deep learning to tackle complex language tasks like question-answer pairs and speech recognition.

In 2021, Google introduced a new version of BERT called “Google BERT-based AutoRegressive Decoder(BARD for short), which builds on the original BERT model and improves its text generation capabilities. Unlike previous models, BARD is able to write texts based on an input of a few words or a phrase.

BARD is able to generate text in a variety of styles and contexts, including news, poetry, fiction, dialogue and more. Google has stated that the technology can be used not only to automatically generate text, but also to improve machine translation, speech recognition and conversational skills.


Google BARD is an important step in the development of AI technologies for natural language processing and has the potential to change the way we interact with machines and how we create and consume content on the internet.

Is ChatGPT a threat to Google?

Is ChatGPT a threat to Google?

If you look at Google’s business model with its many services, ChatGPT can’t actually be particularly dangerous for Google. Because Google not only ranks first among the search engines worldwide, but has also established YouTube, which is actually a video platform, as a search engine in second place. Not only are more than 100 hours of video material uploaded to YouTube every minute, but the platform also processes more than 3 billion search queries per month. Of course, all these search queries on YouTube are also included in the regular Google search engine in order to improve it.

I don’t see any real competition from ChatGPT to Google at the moment, and I can’t share the “end” of the internet as we know it, which some bloggers already fear. ChatGPT uses existing knowledge and uses it to assemble an answer based on a user request. Having tried it myself a few times, I can say that anyone who relies 100% on ChatGPT’s answers is treading on thin ice. The answers provided were often inadequate or even wrong. What ultimately means that high-quality information gathering still has something to do with one’s own mind and questioning the results.

Anyone who runs a blog and writes articles always incorporates their own experiences. And that’s something an AI can’t do because it has never experienced anything itself. Emotions from authors are also part of the empirical values that a machine cannot incorporate into its results. I think that the current hype, which is additionally fueled by the media, is partly justified, since the level of quality with which the ChatGPT can react to users is impressive. But an AI can only reproduce what man has experienced and created.

In any case, the development remains incredibly exciting, and the possibilities that we currently have through ChatGPT and other AI systems such as Google Bard, and the possibilities that will arise in combination with other technologies are enormous!

If you look at Google’s business model with its many services, ChatGPT can’t actually be particularly dangerous for Google. Because Google not only ranks first among the search engines worldwide, but has also established YouTube, which is actually a video platform, as a search engine in second place. Not only are more than 100 hours of video material uploaded to YouTube every minute, but the platform also processes more than 3 billion search queries per month. Of course, all these search queries on YouTube are also included in the regular Google search engine in order to improve it.

I don’t see any real competition from ChatGPT to Google at the moment, and I can’t share the “end” of the internet as we know it, which some bloggers already fear. ChatGPT uses existing knowledge and uses it to assemble an answer based on a user request. Having tried it myself a few times, I can say that anyone who relies 100% on ChatGPT’s answers is treading on thin ice. The answers provided were often inadequate or even wrong. What ultimately means that high-quality information gathering still has something to do with one’s own mind and questioning the results.

Anyone who runs a blog and writes articles always incorporates their own experiences. And that’s something an AI can’t do because it has never experienced anything itself. Emotions from authors are also part of the empirical values that a machine cannot incorporate into its results. I think that the current hype, which is additionally fueled by the media, is partly justified, since the level of quality with which the ChatGPT can react to users is impressive. But an AI can only reproduce what man has experienced and created.

In any case, the development remains incredibly exciting, and the possibilities that we currently have through ChatGPT and other AI systems such as Google Bard, and the possibilities that will arise in combination with other technologies are enormous!

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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