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Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

The ten oldest websites in the world

In the footsteps of the digital pioneers

The Internet that we know today can hardly be compared to the early days of the World Wide Web. Remember the sound of a 56K modem struggling to log onto what was then the newfangled Internet? Or the first steps on the web with Netscape Navigator? Join us on a nostalgic journey to the oldest websites in the world.

zehn aelteste Webseiten der Welt

Topic Overview


In the early days of the Internet, creating a website was still new territory. There were no simple content management systems or modular solutions, only HTML and a few intrepid pioneers. With a lot of enthusiasm and innovative spirit, they laid the foundation for what we know today as the Internet.

We present you the ten oldest websites in the world – a journey back in time to the beginnings of the World Wide Web, which is sometimes charming, strange and sometimes even cheerful.

The ten oldest websites in the world

In the footsteps of the digital pioneers

The Internet that we know today can hardly be compared to the early days of the World Wide Web. Remember the sound of a 56K modem struggling to log onto what was then the newfangled Internet? Or the first steps on the web with Netscape Navigator? Join us on a nostalgic journey to the oldest websites in the world.

zehn aelteste Webseiten der Welt

Topic Overview


In the early days of the Internet, creating a website was still new territory. There were no simple content management systems or modular solutions, only HTML and a few intrepid pioneers. With a lot of enthusiasm and innovative spirit, they laid the foundation for what we know today as the Internet.

We present you the ten oldest websites in the world – a journey back in time to the beginnings of the World Wide Web, which is sometimes charming, strange and sometimes even cheerful.

10th place:

10th place:

In 1994, Jeff Bezos founded a company in his Seattle garage that would change the world forever. Started as a young, dynamic Internet company called “Amazon”, it is now one of the most valuable brands in the world, with annual sales in the hundreds of billions of dollars.

“So began the story of a revolutionary company that redefined the way we shop and consume”

In its early days, Amazon was just an online bookseller. However, Bezos quickly recognized the possibilities of the internet and the enormous potential for online trading. He began adding more product categories – from electronics and toys to clothing and groceries. The company survived the “dot-com bubble” of the early 2000s while many of its competitors failed. This was largely due to Bezos’ astute business strategies and his ability to adapt to changing market conditions.

In 1994, Jeff Bezos founded a company in his Seattle garage that would change the world forever. Started as a young, dynamic Internet company called “Amazon”, it is now one of the most valuable brands in the world, with annual sales in the hundreds of billions of dollars.

“So began the story of a revolutionary company that redefined the way we shop and consume”

In its early days, Amazon was just an online bookseller. However, Bezos quickly recognized the possibilities of the internet and the enormous potential for online trading. He began adding more product categories – from electronics and toys to clothing and groceries. The company survived the “dot-com bubble” of the early 2000s while many of its competitors failed. This was largely due to Bezos’ astute business strategies and his ability to adapt to changing market conditions.

9th place: The White House

9th place: The White House

The White House website was launched in 1994 and was one of the first government websites on the Internet. The site offered information about the United States government, press releases, executive orders and more. The White House website was an important step in digitizing the work of government and improving communication between government and citizens. Today it is a central information point for everything related to the US government.

The launch of the White House website was a strong signal that the Internet had become a serious means of communication. It helped pave the way for the many government and agency websites we know today.

The White House website was launched in 1994 and was one of the first government websites on the Internet. The site offered information about the United States government, press releases, executive orders and more. The White House website was an important step in digitizing the work of government and improving communication between government and citizens. Today it is a central information point for everything related to the US government.

The launch of the White House website was a strong signal that the Internet had become a serious means of communication. It helped pave the way for the many government and agency websites we know today.

8th place: Yahoo!

8th place: Yahoo!

In 1994, when the Internet was still in its infancy, two Stanford students developed Jerry Yang and David Filo, a website called “Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web“. In a short time, this website was rebranded as Yahoo – an acronym for “Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle”. What originally started as a hobby project developed into one of the first internet giants and one of the most well-known brands worldwide.

“Yahoo was a pioneer in what was then the new world of the Internet, offering a variety of services including a search engine, email services, instant messaging, online -Shopping and News.”

The site quickly became one of the most visited in the world, turning its founders into multi-millionaires. However, the good times didn’t last forever. When the dot-com bubble burst in 2000, Yahoo began to struggle. A few failed acquisitions and an inability to keep up with new players like Google and later Facebook led to a long period of decline.

In 1994, when the Internet was still in its infancy, two Stanford students developed Jerry Yang and David Filo, a website called “Jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web“. In a short time, this website was rebranded as Yahoo – an acronym for “Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle”. What originally started as a hobby project developed into one of the first internet giants and one of the most well-known brands worldwide.

“Yahoo was a pioneer in what was then the new world of the Internet, offering a variety of services including a search engine, email services, instant messaging, online -Shopping and News.”

The site quickly became one of the most visited in the world, turning its founders into multi-millionaires. However, the good times didn’t last forever. When the dot-com bubble burst in 2000, Yahoo began to struggle. A few failed acquisitions and an inability to keep up with new players like Google and later Facebook led to a long period of decline.

7th place: Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

7th place: Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

The Internet Movie Database, better known as IMDb, has been online since 1993 and was one of the first comprehensive databases on the Internet. It provided a platform for film lovers to find and share information about their favorite films and series.

“Today, owned by Amazon, IMDb is one of the most visited websites in the world. The site offers information about movies and series, news, reviews, discussion forums and more. She is a prime example of how useful and inclusive the Internet can be.”

From its humble beginnings as a film buff’s hobby project, IMDb has grown into an indispensable resource for film and television enthusiasts around the world.

The Internet Movie Database, better known as IMDb, has been online since 1993 and was one of the first comprehensive databases on the Internet. It provided a platform for film lovers to find and share information about their favorite films and series.

“Today, owned by Amazon, IMDb is one of the most visited websites in the world. The site offers information about movies and series, news, reviews, discussion forums and more. She is a prime example of how useful and inclusive the Internet can be.”

From its humble beginnings as a film buff’s hobby project, IMDb has grown into an indispensable resource for film and television enthusiasts around the world.

6th place: Doctor Fun

6th place: Doctor Fun

“Doctor Fun” was the first webcomic to be published on the Internet. Created by David Farley, the comic ran from 1993 to 2006 and as such has witnessed many of the technological changes and advances of the internet. Doctor Fun’s cartoons were whimsical and humorous, characterized by a unique sense of humor and distinctive drawing style. Doctor Fun was early evidence that the Internet can also be a place for entertainment and creativity.

Today there are thousands of webcomics available in every imaginable style and subject matter. But Doctor Fun will always be first – the webcomic that paved the way for everyone else.

Although the website is no longer operational today, here is a little more about the history of this site

“Doctor Fun” was the first webcomic to be published on the Internet. Created by David Farley, the comic ran from 1993 to 2006 and as such has witnessed many of the technological changes and advances of the internet. Doctor Fun’s cartoons were whimsical and humorous, characterized by a unique sense of humor and distinctive drawing style. Doctor Fun was early evidence that the Internet can also be a place for entertainment and creativity.

Today there are thousands of webcomics available in every imaginable style and subject matter. But Doctor Fun will always be first – the webcomic that paved the way for everyone else.

Although the website is no longer operational today, here is a little more about the history of this site

5th place: The Tech – MIT’s oldest and largest newspaper

5th place: The Tech – MIT’s oldest and largest newspaper

“The Tech”, the oldest and largest newspaper of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), was one of the first newspapers to make it onto the Internet. It has been online since 1993 and offers an extensive catalog of articles from over 130 years of publication. In the early days of the internet, news and newspapers were not as ubiquitous as they are today. However, The Tech recognized the signs of the times early on and used the value of the Internet as a means of communication.

Today it is almost unthinkable to have a newspaper without an online edition. In many respects, The Tech was a pioneer and paved the way for today’s digital media.

“The Tech”, the oldest and largest newspaper of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), was one of the first newspapers to make it onto the Internet. It has been online since 1993 and offers an extensive catalog of articles from over 130 years of publication. In the early days of the internet, news and newspapers were not as ubiquitous as they are today. However, The Tech recognized the signs of the times early on and used the value of the Internet as a means of communication.

Today it is almost unthinkable to have a newspaper without an online edition. In many respects, The Tech was a pioneer and paved the way for today’s digital media.

4th place: Bloomberg

4th place: Bloomberg

In 1993, Bloomberg launched their website as one of the first commercial sites on the Internet. They offered financial news and market data, a completely new concept at the time. They pioneered the delivery of real-time financial information and laid the groundwork for numerous imitators. Today, remains a heavyweight in the financial information world. The site has of course evolved since the beginning and now also offers analysis, commenting and other features.

Although today’s website bears little resemblance to the original version, Bloomberg remains a good example of how commercial websites early shaped the Internet and changed the face of modern business.

In 1993, Bloomberg launched their website as one of the first commercial sites on the Internet. They offered financial news and market data, a completely new concept at the time. They pioneered the delivery of real-time financial information and laid the groundwork for numerous imitators. Today, remains a heavyweight in the financial information world. The site has of course evolved since the beginning and now also offers analysis, commenting and other features.

Although today’s website bears little resemblance to the original version, Bloomberg remains a good example of how commercial websites early shaped the Internet and changed the face of modern business.

3rd place: National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)

3rd place: National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)

In 1992, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) website went online. It was home to the Mosaic web browser, the first widely used web browser capable of displaying images. A true breakthrough that revolutionized the surfing experience! The NCSA website itself was a simple affair, with information about the Mosaic browser and other projects at the center.

“However, the site was incredibly important as it introduced many people to the internet for the first time.”

It’s fascinating to see how such a nondescript website could help change the face of the internet so drastically. Mosaic was the forerunner of Netscape Navigator and thus grandfather of all modern browsers including Chrome, Firefox and Safari.


In 1992, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) website went online. It was home to the Mosaic web browser, the first widely used web browser capable of displaying images. A true breakthrough that revolutionized the surfing experience! The NCSA website itself was a simple affair, with information about the Mosaic browser and other projects at the center.

“However, the site was incredibly important as it introduced many people to the internet for the first time.”

It’s fascinating to see how such a nondescript website could help change the face of the internet so drastically. Mosaic was the forerunner of Netscape Navigator and thus grandfather of all modern browsers including Chrome, Firefox and Safari.


2nd place: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)

2nd place: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)

The Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, SLAC for short, hosted the second website in the world. It was originally intended to provide research results and information for physicists. At that time, this simple, text-based site was a milestone in the communication of science and research. The website is still active today and serves as a valuable resource for the global physics community.

“Like a digital fossil from a bygone era, it testifies to the evolution of the Internet – from its rudimentary beginnings to its present-day complexity.”

SLAC’s website is a shining example of the visionary power of scientists who saw the Internet not only as a technological innovation, but also as a tool for knowledge sharing and the advancement of science and research.

The Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, SLAC for short, hosted the second website in the world. It was originally intended to provide research results and information for physicists. At that time, this simple, text-based site was a milestone in the communication of science and research. The website is still active today and serves as a valuable resource for the global physics community.

“Like a digital fossil from a bygone era, it testifies to the evolution of the Internet – from its rudimentary beginnings to its present-day complexity.”

SLAC’s website is a shining example of the visionary power of scientists who saw the Internet not only as a technological innovation, but also as a tool for knowledge sharing and the advancement of science and research.

1st place: World Wide Web Project (CERN)

1st place: World Wide Web Project (CERN)

It all started with the “World Wide Web Project“. This website, created by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in Switzerland, was the first ever website and is still online. The website was originally intended to disseminate information about the WWW project itself and to be a contact point for anyone interested in the project.

“The site hasn’t lost much of its original charm since it was created. If you visit it today, you instantly feel like you’ve been transported back to a time when the Internet was still in its infancy.”

Imagine: At that time, the entire Internet world consisted of just this one website! The World Wide Web Project is not only a historical relic, but also a document of human progress. The website represents the launching pad for the unprecedented information and communications technology explosion we are witnessing today.

Of course, significantly more websites were founded in the respective years. Because the 1990s were the decade in which the potential of the Internet was recognized and used by many of the pioneers mentioned here. Many of the sites founded back then no longer exist today, or have merged with other companies and now have a completely different name under which they work.

The top ten list that we have presented here is just an individual selection of the websites that have been around the longest and that also have the highest level of awareness. But maybe you thought like us that the “oldest websites” are actually (at the time of this writing 2023) not that old when you look back. The speed with which everything has developed so far and the possibilities that we are already using today are only a small preview of what awaits us in the future.

It all started with the “World Wide Web Project“. This website, created by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in Switzerland, was the first ever website and is still online. The website was originally intended to disseminate information about the WWW project itself and to be a contact point for anyone interested in the project.

“The site hasn’t lost much of its original charm since it was created. If you visit it today, you instantly feel like you’ve been transported back to a time when the Internet was still in its infancy.”

Imagine: At that time, the entire Internet world consisted of just this one website! The World Wide Web Project is not only a historical relic, but also a document of human progress. The website represents the launching pad for the unprecedented information and communications technology explosion we are witnessing today.

Of course, significantly more websites were founded in the respective years. Because the 1990s were the decade in which the potential of the Internet was recognized and used by many of the pioneers mentioned here. Many of the sites founded back then no longer exist today, or have merged with other companies and now have a completely different name under which they work.

The top ten list that we have presented here is just an individual selection of the websites that have been around the longest and that also have the highest level of awareness. But maybe you thought like us that the “oldest websites” are actually (at the time of this writing 2023) not that old when you look back. The speed with which everything has developed so far and the possibilities that we are already using today are only a small preview of what awaits us in the future.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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