Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Useful tips about your Data Protection

10 08, 2023

Show WiFi password: For Windows, Android, iOS and Mac

2023-08-10T18:50:09+02:00By |Categories: Android / iOS, Data Protection, Mac OS, Shorts & Tutorials, Uncategorized, Windows 10/11/12|Tags: , , , , |

This article provides detailed instructions on how to extract WiFi passwords on Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. Whether you've forgotten your own password or need access to a legitimate network, these guides will help.

1 07, 2023

Encrypt USB stick – These options are available

2023-07-01T08:23:42+02:00By |Categories: Shorts & Tutorials, Data Protection, Hardware, Homeoffice, Mac OS, Windows 10/11/12|Tags: , , |

Protecting sensitive data is essential. Encrypting USB sticks provides an extra layer of security. Whether it's built-in software, operating system features, third-party software, or hardware encryption, there are numerous options.

30 06, 2023

How the E-Prescription works – Smartphone Requirements

2023-07-01T20:48:26+02:00By |Categories: Data Protection, Hardware, Shorts & Tutorials, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

Digitization in the healthcare system is taking the next step with the e-prescription. In this article we would like to shed light on the most important information on how the e-prescription works and what patients have to consider.

21 06, 2023

Fake Shops on the Internet – You should avoid these sites!

2023-06-21T19:17:32+02:00By |Categories: Amazon, Data Protection, Google, Internet, Finance & Shopping, Shorts & Tutorials|Tags: , |

Die Verbraucherzentrale NRW hat eine umfangreiche Liste mit Fake-Shops im Internet bekanntgegeben. Achten Sie auf niedrige Preise, unsichere Zahlungsarten, mangelnde SSL-Verschlüsselung, fehlende Kontaktinfos und mehr...


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