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Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

School grades are out – What matters when applying!

Grades have long been an important factor in job applications. But now the tide has turned. More and more companies are paying attention to other criteria when selecting personnel. In this article you will find out which qualities really count in applications today. Although grades are an indicator of a certain willingness to perform, they say little about the personality and skills of the applicant.

More and more companies are therefore relying on alternative selection processes such as assessment centers or trial days. Skills such as teamwork, communication skills and creativity are tested. Because if you want to be successful in your job, you need more than just good grades!

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Topic Overview


School grades are out – What matters when applying!

Grades have long been an important factor in job applications. But now the tide has turned. More and more companies are paying attention to other criteria when selecting personnel. In this article you will find out which qualities really count in applications today. Although grades are an indicator of a certain willingness to perform, they say little about the personality and skills of the applicant.

More and more companies are therefore relying on alternative selection processes such as assessment centers or trial days. Skills such as teamwork, communication skills and creativity are tested. Because if you want to be successful in your job, you need more than just good grades!

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Topic Overview


Why school grades are not so important in applications

Why school grades are not so important in applications

In recent years, the importance of school grades in job applications has changed fundamentally. Traditionally, good grades were a decisive criterion when selecting applicants. They served as an indicator of willingness to perform, knowledge and skills. However, companies and universities have started to reconsider this paradigm. They increasingly recognize that grades do not always tell the full story of a candidate and can sometimes even be misleading. We have listed a few reasons why, from our point of view, school grades no longer have the same importance in applications as they used to.

Skills and experience over school grades: Employers and universities are placing more and more value on an applicant’s practical skills and experience. Social skills, problem-solving skills, creativity, adaptability and teamwork are often more important today than a perfect grade history. An internship, volunteer work or a leadership role in a school organization can be just as meaningful as a 1.0 in the report card.

Differential Assessment of Personality: School grades primarily reflect a student’s academic ability. However, they provide little information about other aspects of a person’s personality. Many companies and universities are therefore more interested in recognizing the individual strengths, interests and motivations of an applicant.

Adaptation to the modern working world: The requirements of the working world have changed significantly in recent years. For example, more and more value is being placed on digital skills, intercultural competence and lifelong learning. School grades can often only inadequately reflect these qualities.

Lack of standardisation: The evaluation systems in schools differ from country to country and often even from school to school. As a result, grades are often difficult to compare and their value is therefore put into perspective.

Promoting diversity: Selecting applicants based solely on school grades can result in many talented and potentially successful candidates being overlooked. By taking a holistic approach to applicant selection, companies and universities can ensure greater diversity and inclusivity.

Although school grades still play a role, it is obvious that their weight in the application process is decreasing. Instead, employers and universities increasingly rely on other indicators to meaningfully assess an applicant’s potential.

Therefore, applicants should focus on developing a wide range of skills and experience and presenting them effectively in their applications.


In recent years, the importance of school grades in job applications has changed fundamentally. Traditionally, good grades were a decisive criterion when selecting applicants. They served as an indicator of willingness to perform, knowledge and skills. However, companies and universities have started to reconsider this paradigm. They increasingly recognize that grades do not always tell the full story of a candidate and can sometimes even be misleading. We have listed a few reasons why, from our point of view, school grades no longer have the same importance in applications as they used to.

Skills and experience over school grades: Employers and universities are placing more and more value on an applicant’s practical skills and experience. Social skills, problem-solving skills, creativity, adaptability and teamwork are often more important today than a perfect grade history. An internship, volunteer work or a leadership role in a school organization can be just as meaningful as a 1.0 in the report card.

Differential Assessment of Personality: School grades primarily reflect a student’s academic ability. However, they provide little information about other aspects of a person’s personality. Many companies and universities are therefore more interested in recognizing the individual strengths, interests and motivations of an applicant.

Adaptation to the modern working world: The requirements of the working world have changed significantly in recent years. For example, more and more value is being placed on digital skills, intercultural competence and lifelong learning. School grades can often only inadequately reflect these qualities.

Lack of standardisation: The evaluation systems in schools differ from country to country and often even from school to school. As a result, grades are often difficult to compare and their value is therefore put into perspective.

Promoting diversity: Selecting applicants based solely on school grades can result in many talented and potentially successful candidates being overlooked. By taking a holistic approach to applicant selection, companies and universities can ensure greater diversity and inclusivity.

Although school grades still play a role, it is obvious that their weight in the application process is decreasing. Instead, employers and universities increasingly rely on other indicators to meaningfully assess an applicant’s potential.

Therefore, applicants should focus on developing a wide range of skills and experience and presenting them effectively in their applications.


Soft Skills – The new success factors

Soft Skills – The new success factors

Today’s working world is dynamic, multifaceted and complex. Technological progress and globalization place new demands on the skills and competencies of workers. Soft skills are becoming more and more important. They are regarded as decisive success factors in professional life.

What are soft skills and why are they so important?

Soft skills are non-technical, personal skills that enable people to communicate effectively with others, foster collaboration, and adapt to different situations. In contrast to the so-called “hard skills” (professional competences), i.e. concrete, mostly learned skills, such as programming knowledge or mastering a foreign language, soft skills are less tangible, but still of enormous importance. They cover a wide range of competencies, including teamwork, communication skills, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, conflict resolution, leadership skills and more.

Soft skills have become the new success factors in professional life for the following reasons:

Encourage teamwork: In the modern workplace, collaboration is key. Employees who can communicate effectively, resolve conflicts and cultivate relationships make a significant contribution to the success of a team and ultimately to the success of the company.

Adaptability in a rapidly changing world: Technological developments and constantly changing market conditions require a high degree of adaptability. Employees with strong soft skills can adapt to new situations more easily and find creative solutions to problems that arise.

Leadership Qualities: Good leaders require a variety of soft skills, including empathy, decision-making, strategic thinking and the ability to motivate others. These skills are essential to leading teams effectively and inspiring employees to perform at their best.

Customer Orientation: In an increasingly customer-centric business world, soft skills such as communication skills, empathy and problem-solving skills are essential to build and maintain positive customer relationships. These are things that school grades cannot reflect!

Differentiator: In a world where technical knowledge is often replaced by AI and automation, it is the soft skills that differentiate humans from machines and can give them a decisive competitive advantage. Because this requires human emotions that no AI or machine will ever have.

Despite their importance, soft skills are often considered “soft” or less important than hard skills. That’s a big mistake. In a constantly changing working world, it is often the soft skills that make the difference between success and failure. It is therefore important to recognise, develop and use these skills. Because if you have good soft skills, you not only advance yourself, but also your team and your company.

Today’s working world is dynamic, multifaceted and complex. Technological progress and globalization place new demands on the skills and competencies of workers. Soft skills are becoming more and more important. They are regarded as decisive success factors in professional life.

What are soft skills and why are they so important?

Soft skills are non-technical, personal skills that enable people to communicate effectively with others, foster collaboration, and adapt to different situations. In contrast to the so-called “hard skills” (professional competences), i.e. concrete, mostly learned skills, such as programming knowledge or mastering a foreign language, soft skills are less tangible, but still of enormous importance. They cover a wide range of competencies, including teamwork, communication skills, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, conflict resolution, leadership skills and more.

Soft skills have become the new success factors in professional life for the following reasons:

Encourage teamwork: In the modern workplace, collaboration is key. Employees who can communicate effectively, resolve conflicts and cultivate relationships make a significant contribution to the success of a team and ultimately to the success of the company.

Adaptability in a rapidly changing world: Technological developments and constantly changing market conditions require a high degree of adaptability. Employees with strong soft skills can adapt to new situations more easily and find creative solutions to problems that arise.

Leadership Qualities: Good leaders require a variety of soft skills, including empathy, decision-making, strategic thinking and the ability to motivate others. These skills are essential to leading teams effectively and inspiring employees to perform at their best.

Customer Orientation: In an increasingly customer-centric business world, soft skills such as communication skills, empathy and problem-solving skills are essential to build and maintain positive customer relationships. These are things that school grades cannot reflect!

Differentiator: In a world where technical knowledge is often replaced by AI and automation, it is the soft skills that differentiate humans from machines and can give them a decisive competitive advantage. Because this requires human emotions that no AI or machine will ever have.

Despite their importance, soft skills are often considered “soft” or less important than hard skills. That’s a big mistake. In a constantly changing working world, it is often the soft skills that make the difference between success and failure. It is therefore important to recognise, develop and use these skills. Because if you have good soft skills, you not only advance yourself, but also your team and your company.

Practical experiences – Worth their weight in gold

Practical experiences – Worth their weight in gold

Whether internship, part-time job, volunteer work or projects during your studies – practical experience is invaluable in the working world. They play an increasingly important role in applications and can make all the difference. Why is that?

Practical experience cannot be replaced

Application of theory in practice: While school or university studies mainly impart theoretical knowledge, practical experience enables this knowledge to be applied in reality. They help to reinforce what has been learned and to understand how it is applied in a work environment.

Acquisition of soft skills: Applicants only learn valuable soft skills such as teamwork, time management, conflict resolution, communication and much more in practice. These skills are extremely important in the modern working world and are highly valued by employers.

Insight into the world of work: Practical experience gives an insight into professional life and enables applicants to develop an understanding of the requirements and challenges of the chosen career path.

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Networks: Practical experience often offers the opportunity to make important contacts in the industry. These can be helpful for finding a job after graduation or for further professional development. Relationships are extremely important! Because many opportunities in professional life do not arise through the classic route of application, but because people already know each other and can assess their counterpart.

Emphasis in the application: Practical experience makes an application more attractive and can set the applicant apart from other candidates. They show the employer that the applicant has practical skills and is able to prove themselves in a new work environment.


Professional Orientation: By gaining practical experience, applicants can find out which activities, roles and industries suit them best. This helps them make more informed decisions about their careers and align their studies or further education accordingly.

Practical experience is an invaluable part of the lifelong learning process and therefore a valuable part of every application. They are an investment in your own professional future and make a significant contribution to smoothing your professional path and also to being successful in the long term. Therefore, everyone who has the opportunity should try to get as much hands-on experience as possible

Whether internship, part-time job, volunteer work or projects during your studies – practical experience is invaluable in the working world. They play an increasingly important role in applications and can make all the difference. Why is that?

Practical experience cannot be replaced

Application of theory in practice: While school or university studies mainly impart theoretical knowledge, practical experience enables this knowledge to be applied in reality. They help to reinforce what has been learned and to understand how it is applied in a work environment.

Acquisition of soft skills: Applicants only learn valuable soft skills such as teamwork, time management, conflict resolution, communication and much more in practice. These skills are extremely important in the modern working world and are highly valued by employers.

Insight into the world of work: Practical experience gives an insight into professional life and enables applicants to develop an understanding of the requirements and challenges of the chosen career path.

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Networks: Practical experience often offers the opportunity to make important contacts in the industry. These can be helpful for finding a job after graduation or for further professional development. Relationships are extremely important! Because many opportunities in professional life do not arise through the classic route of application, but because people already know each other and can assess their counterpart.

Emphasis in the application: Practical experience makes an application more attractive and can set the applicant apart from other candidates. They show the employer that the applicant has practical skills and is able to prove themselves in a new work environment.


Professional Orientation: By gaining practical experience, applicants can find out which activities, roles and industries suit them best. This helps them make more informed decisions about their careers and align their studies or further education accordingly.

Practical experience is an invaluable part of the lifelong learning process and therefore a valuable part of every application. They are an investment in your own professional future and make a significant contribution to smoothing your professional path and also to being successful in the long term. Therefore, everyone who has the opportunity should try to get as much hands-on experience as possible

Initiative – How to show it in the application

Initiative – How to show it in the application

Initiative is a valuable quality that is often particularly valued by employers. It shows that you are willing and able to take responsibility, face challenges proactively and work independently. But how do you show initiative in an application?

Here are some tips on how to show initiative in your application:

Achievements are better than grades

Describe relevant projects or tasks: If you have initiated or carried out projects or tasks independently in the past, then you should definitely mention them in your application. Describe exactly what your role was, what you achieved and what skills you used or developed in the process.

Highlight your problem-solving skills: Initiative often shows in the ability to identify problems and find solutions. If you have examples of situations where you found creative or effective solutions to problems, you should mention them in your application.

Underline your willingness to learn: Self-initiative can also be shown through continuous learning and personal development. If you’ve independently learned new skills, taken courses, or earned certificates, that’s a good sign of initiative.

Use the cover letter: Use the cover letter to demonstrate your initiative. For example, you could describe how you came across the job ad, why you are particularly interested in the company or the position, or how your goals and ambitions align with those of the company.

Ask Questions: If you are called for an interview, prepare some questions that show that you have researched the company and the position. This shows genuine interest and initiative. The questions should of course aim for information that cannot be found with a few clicks on the website.

Keep on the ball: Sending a thank you email after the interview or asking if you don’t get a response within the allotted timeframe are both ways to show your initiative and another then you will know where you stand. If the company responds very late or not at all, you can write off the position. But that’s not a big loss either. Because if it starts like this, then you can probably already imagine how it will be when you get a job in this company!

Initiative is a key competence in the modern working world!

It shows that you are willing to go above and beyond and that you have the ability to work independently and move things forward. By showing your initiative in your Application, you can set yourself apart from other applicants and increase the chances of a successful application.

Initiative is a valuable quality that is often particularly valued by employers. It shows that you are willing and able to take responsibility, face challenges proactively and work independently. But how do you show initiative in an application?

Here are some tips on how to show initiative in your application:

Achievements are better than grades

Describe relevant projects or tasks: If you have initiated or carried out projects or tasks independently in the past, then you should definitely mention them in your application. Describe exactly what your role was, what you achieved and what skills you used or developed in the process.

Highlight your problem-solving skills: Initiative often shows in the ability to identify problems and find solutions. If you have examples of situations where you found creative or effective solutions to problems, you should mention them in your application.

Underline your willingness to learn: Self-initiative can also be shown through continuous learning and personal development. If you’ve independently learned new skills, taken courses, or earned certificates, that’s a good sign of initiative.

Use the cover letter: Use the cover letter to demonstrate your initiative. For example, you could describe how you came across the job ad, why you are particularly interested in the company or the position, or how your goals and ambitions align with those of the company.

Ask Questions: If you are called for an interview, prepare some questions that show that you have researched the company and the position. This shows genuine interest and initiative. The questions should of course aim for information that cannot be found with a few clicks on the website.

Keep on the ball: Sending a thank you email after the interview or asking if you don’t get a response within the allotted timeframe are both ways to show your initiative and another then you will know where you stand. If the company responds very late or not at all, you can write off the position. But that’s not a big loss either. Because if it starts like this, then you can probably already imagine how it will be when you get a job in this company!

Initiative is a key competence in the modern working world!

It shows that you are willing to go above and beyond and that you have the ability to work independently and move things forward. By showing your initiative in your Application, you can set yourself apart from other applicants and increase the chances of a successful application.

Creativity – why it is needed in every job

Creativity – why it is needed in every job

We often associate creativity with artistic or design-oriented professions. Yet creativity is a universal skill that is critical in any profession. It fosters innovation, problem-solving and adaptability – skills that are essential in the ever-changing modern workplace.

It doesn’t work without creativity

Innovative power: Creativity is the driving force behind innovation. It enables us to develop new ideas, improve processes and find new solutions to old problems. At a time when companies must constantly evolve to remain competitive, creativity is key.

Problem Solving: Creativity is important not only for developing new products or services, but also for problem solving. Creative people can think outside the box, take different perspectives and find unique solutions to complex problems.

Adaptability: The world of work is constantly changing and the ability to adapt to new situations is invaluable. Creative people find it easier to find new ways to achieve their goals when circumstances change.

Teamwork: Creativity also promotes teamwork. Creative teams can brainstorm more effectively, develop innovative solutions and adapt to new challenges.

Motivation and engagement: Creativity can increase job satisfaction and motivation. When employees have the opportunity to contribute their own ideas and be creative, they often feel more engaged and satisfied with their work.

Differentiation: In an increasingly connected and competitive world, creativity can help you stand out from the crowd. It can help create unique solutions, products or services that provide a competitive advantage.

Creativity is not only important for artists, designers or writers. It is a fundamental skill that can be used in any profession to foster innovation, solve problems and adapt to change. Companies that encourage and value creativity are often more successful and more resilient to change and challenges. Therefore, it is important to develop and nurture this ability, regardless of the specific role or industry.

We often associate creativity with artistic or design-oriented professions. Yet creativity is a universal skill that is critical in any profession. It fosters innovation, problem-solving and adaptability – skills that are essential in the ever-changing modern workplace.

It doesn’t work without creativity

Innovative power: Creativity is the driving force behind innovation. It enables us to develop new ideas, improve processes and find new solutions to old problems. At a time when companies must constantly evolve to remain competitive, creativity is key.

Problem Solving: Creativity is important not only for developing new products or services, but also for problem solving. Creative people can think outside the box, take different perspectives and find unique solutions to complex problems.

Adaptability: The world of work is constantly changing and the ability to adapt to new situations is invaluable. Creative people find it easier to find new ways to achieve their goals when circumstances change.

Teamwork: Creativity also promotes teamwork. Creative teams can brainstorm more effectively, develop innovative solutions and adapt to new challenges.

Motivation and engagement: Creativity can increase job satisfaction and motivation. When employees have the opportunity to contribute their own ideas and be creative, they often feel more engaged and satisfied with their work.

Differentiation: In an increasingly connected and competitive world, creativity can help you stand out from the crowd. It can help create unique solutions, products or services that provide a competitive advantage.

Creativity is not only important for artists, designers or writers. It is a fundamental skill that can be used in any profession to foster innovation, solve problems and adapt to change. Companies that encourage and value creativity are often more successful and more resilient to change and challenges. Therefore, it is important to develop and nurture this ability, regardless of the specific role or industry.

Personality – why it is often decisive

Personality – why it is often decisive

In the modern working world, an applicant’s personality is often just as important as their skills and qualifications. While qualifications and professional experience determine a candidate’s technical fit for a position, personality is critical to cultural fit.

Stay authentic

Team Dynamics: A candidate’s personality can play a significant role in how well they fit into an existing team. A harmonious team works together more efficiently and productively. Companies are therefore looking for candidates whose personality and working style are a good fit for the team.

Corporate culture: Every company maintains its own culture, which is reflected in the values, standards and working methods. Applicants whose personality fits well with the corporate culture are often more successful and happier in their work.

Communication and Interaction: The way a person communicates and interacts is an important aspect of their personality. This can have a significant positive effect on working with colleagues, dealing with customers or presenting ideas and projects.

Problem management and decision-making: Your personality also influences how you deal with challenges and make decisions. For example, some people are particularly good at working under pressure, while others have a particular ability for strategic planning.

Motivation and Commitment: A candidate’s personality can provide insight into how motivated and committed they are to their work. Companies often look for candidates who are enthusiastic and passionate about what they do.

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In order to express personality in an application, it is important to be authentic and to have a clear idea of your strengths, values and goals. The cover letter offers a good opportunity to show personality and explain why you are particularly interested in the position or the company. Personality can also be expressed in the job interview through the type of communication, through questions and through the presentation of one’s own experiences and goals.

Not every personality fits every position or every company – and that’s a good thing. An application is always an opportunity to find out whether the position and the company suit you. It is therefore important to stay true to yourself when applying and to express your own personality.

In the modern working world, an applicant’s personality is often just as important as their skills and qualifications. While qualifications and professional experience determine a candidate’s technical fit for a position, personality is critical to cultural fit.

Stay authentic

Team Dynamics: A candidate’s personality can play a significant role in how well they fit into an existing team. A harmonious team works together more efficiently and productively. Companies are therefore looking for candidates whose personality and working style are a good fit for the team.

Corporate culture: Every company maintains its own culture, which is reflected in the values, standards and working methods. Applicants whose personality fits well with the corporate culture are often more successful and happier in their work.

Communication and Interaction: The way a person communicates and interacts is an important aspect of their personality. This can have a significant positive effect on working with colleagues, dealing with customers or presenting ideas and projects.

Problem management and decision-making: Your personality also influences how you deal with challenges and make decisions. For example, some people are particularly good at working under pressure, while others have a particular ability for strategic planning.

Motivation and Commitment: A candidate’s personality can provide insight into how motivated and committed they are to their work. Companies often look for candidates who are enthusiastic and passionate about what they do.

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In order to express personality in an application, it is important to be authentic and to have a clear idea of your strengths, values and goals. The cover letter offers a good opportunity to show personality and explain why you are particularly interested in the position or the company. Personality can also be expressed in the job interview through the type of communication, through questions and through the presentation of one’s own experiences and goals.

Not every personality fits every position or every company – and that’s a good thing. An application is always an opportunity to find out whether the position and the company suit you. It is therefore important to stay true to yourself when applying and to express your own personality.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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