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Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

New job – How to survive the trial period

We all know the feeling: You have a new job, a new opportunity, but also a new challenge – the probationary period. These first few months can often be characterized by uncertainty and tension. You have to get to know your new colleagues, find your way into unfamiliar work processes and at the same time meet the expectations of your manager. Not an easy task, is it? But don’t worry, we’re here to help.

Neuer Job - So ueberstehen Sie die Probezeit

Topic Overview


With our cheerful guide to surviving the probationary period, your new job will not be a nail-biter, but an exciting journey full of learning and laughing moments. So buckle up and prepare to face your probationary period with flying colors, a smile on your face and maybe even a few laughter tears.

New job – How to survive the trial period

We all know the feeling: You have a new job, a new opportunity, but also a new challenge – the probationary period. These first few months can often be characterized by uncertainty and tension. You have to get to know your new colleagues, find your way into unfamiliar work processes and at the same time meet the expectations of your manager. Not an easy task, is it? But don’t worry, we’re here to help.

Neuer Job - So ueberstehen Sie die Probezeit

Topic Overview


With our cheerful guide to surviving the probationary period, your new job will not be a nail-biter, but an exciting journey full of learning and laughing moments. So buckle up and prepare to face your probationary period with flying colors, a smile on your face and maybe even a few laughter tears.

First impressions count – don’t they?

First impressions count – don’t they?

Forget what you’ve ever heard about “first impressions”! It’s a new job, not a 5 second commercial. You’ve got plenty of time to shine, so leave the “impression list” at home. It is important to be authentic and yourself, because this is the only way you can build lasting relationships.

  • Listen more than you speak. Good listening will teach you a lot about the company, team dynamics and what’s expected. They have two ears and one mouth – use them in proportion.
  • Show commitment and interest in your new role and in the company as a whole. Attend meetings, ask questions, and engage in discussions. Your colleagues will appreciate your commitment.
  • It may be a cliché, but punctuality is actually a virtue. Be punctual for all appointments, meetings and deadlines. This shows respect for others’ time and professionalism.
  • Make an effort to remember the names of your colleagues. It may sound trivial, but people appreciate being called by their name. It shows that you value them as individuals and not just as part of an anonymous team.

Forget what you’ve ever heard about “first impressions”! It’s a new job, not a 5 second commercial. You’ve got plenty of time to shine, so leave the “impression list” at home. It is important to be authentic and yourself, because this is the only way you can build lasting relationships.

  • Listen more than you speak. Good listening will teach you a lot about the company, team dynamics and what’s expected. They have two ears and one mouth – use them in proportion.
  • Show commitment and interest in your new role and in the company as a whole. Attend meetings, ask questions, and engage in discussions. Your colleagues will appreciate your commitment.
  • It may be a cliché, but punctuality is actually a virtue. Be punctual for all appointments, meetings and deadlines. This shows respect for others’ time and professionalism.
  • Make an effort to remember the names of your colleagues. It may sound trivial, but people appreciate being called by their name. It shows that you value them as individuals and not just as part of an anonymous team.

Skillfully navigate the office politics

Skillfully navigate the office politics

Office politics is a lively minefield and requires some skill and diplomacy. Remember, it’s like the game “Twister“, only with more suits and fewer colorful dots.

  • Learn the unwritten rules. Every office has its own culture and dynamic. Who gets the first coffee? Who is the unofficial fire extinguisher for office conflicts? Keep these things in mind and learn how to blend in.
  • Avoid office gossip. It’s easy to fall into the trap, especially when you’re new and insecure. But remember, you are not a participant in a reality show. Courtesy and professionalism are always the best way.
  • Form alliances. You are not alone in this exciting journey! Look for mentors or peers who can help you better understand and navigate office life.
  • Respect hierarchies, but don’t be intimidated. It’s important to know who makes the decisions, but don’t let titles and positions intimidate you. Everyone in the office deserves respect, regardless of position.

Office politics is a lively minefield and requires some skill and diplomacy. Remember, it’s like the game “Twister“, only with more suits and fewer colorful dots.

  • Learn the unwritten rules. Every office has its own culture and dynamic. Who gets the first coffee? Who is the unofficial fire extinguisher for office conflicts? Keep these things in mind and learn how to blend in.
  • Avoid office gossip. It’s easy to fall into the trap, especially when you’re new and insecure. But remember, you are not a participant in a reality show. Courtesy and professionalism are always the best way.
  • Form alliances. You are not alone in this exciting journey! Look for mentors or peers who can help you better understand and navigate office life.
  • Respect hierarchies, but don’t be intimidated. It’s important to know who makes the decisions, but don’t let titles and positions intimidate you. Everyone in the office deserves respect, regardless of position.

When work and fun go hand in hand

When work and fun go hand in hand

Work doesn’t always have to be a dry affair. With the right attitude, the workplace can be a source of enjoyment and learning. Remember: laughing a day keeps stress levels in check!

  • Look for ways to collaborate. Collaborative projects can be a great way to have fun while you work. They promote team spirit and creativity and make work less monotonous.
  • Breaks are important. You are not a robot! Take time for coffee breaks and casual chats with colleagues. Those little breaks can do wonders for your productivity and mood.
  • Celebrate small victories. Did your team successfully complete a project? Have you won a difficult customer? Celebrate these moments. It promotes motivation and creates a positive atmosphere.
  • Remember that mistakes are part of the learning process. You’re new to the job and it’s normal to make mistakes. Take them with humor and as an opportunity to learn. Nobody expects you to be perfect right away.

Work doesn’t always have to be a dry affair. With the right attitude, the workplace can be a source of enjoyment and learning. Remember: laughing a day keeps stress levels in check!

  • Look for ways to collaborate. Collaborative projects can be a great way to have fun while you work. They promote team spirit and creativity and make work less monotonous.
  • Breaks are important. You are not a robot! Take time for coffee breaks and casual chats with colleagues. Those little breaks can do wonders for your productivity and mood.
  • Celebrate small victories. Did your team successfully complete a project? Have you won a difficult customer? Celebrate these moments. It promotes motivation and creates a positive atmosphere.
  • Remember that mistakes are part of the learning process. You’re new to the job and it’s normal to make mistakes. Take them with humor and as an opportunity to learn. Nobody expects you to be perfect right away.

Learning and development – the key to success

Learning and development – the key to success

Learning never stops, especially in a new job. The probationary period is a perfect opportunity to learn new things and improve your skills. You are like a sponge – soak it all up!

  • Take the time to understand the industry you work in. Read relevant articles and reports, attend webinars and listen to podcasts. The more you know, the more valuable you become to the company.
  • Ask for feedback. It can be scary, but it’s the best way to learn and improve. Your manager and co-workers likely have valuable insights that can help you.
  • Use the further training opportunities that the company offers. It could be formal training, but also informal learning opportunities, such as job shadowing of colleagues.
  • Stay curious and open to new ideas. The best innovations often come from unexpected questions and thoughts. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and suggest new ideas.

Finding a balance between private life and work

“Work-life balance” isn’t some mythical unicorn that only exists in self-help books. It is real and absolutely essential to your health and happiness. So, grab your balance ball and let’s go!

  • Set clear boundaries. It’s important to separate your work time from your free time. They should not be available 24/7 or accept overtime as the norm.
  • Make time for yourself. Whether it’s exercise, hobbies, reading, or just relaxing, make time for things you love and care about help you relax.
  • Say “No if you have to. You do not have to take on every additional task or project that is offered to you. Learn to assess your capacities realistically and to say “no” if necessary.
  • Take care of your health. A healthy diet, regular exercise and enough sleep are important factors in remaining stress-resistant and efficient. Especially during the probationary period, you often take work home with you and don’t really switch off. Ultimately, no one will thank you!

Learning never stops, especially in a new job. The probationary period is a perfect opportunity to learn new things and improve your skills. You are like a sponge – soak it all up!

  • Take the time to understand the industry you work in. Read relevant articles and reports, attend webinars and listen to podcasts. The more you know, the more valuable you become to the company.
  • Ask for feedback. It can be scary, but it’s the best way to learn and improve. Your manager and co-workers likely have valuable insights that can help you.
  • Use the further training opportunities that the company offers. It could be formal training, but also informal learning opportunities, such as job shadowing of colleagues.
  • Stay curious and open to new ideas. The best innovations often come from unexpected questions and thoughts. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and suggest new ideas.

Finding a balance between private life and work

“Work-life balance” isn’t some mythical unicorn that only exists in self-help books. It is real and absolutely essential to your health and happiness. So, grab your balance ball and let’s go!

  • Set clear boundaries. It’s important to separate your work time from your free time. They should not be available 24/7 or accept overtime as the norm.
  • Make time for yourself. Whether it’s exercise, hobbies, reading, or just relaxing, make time for things you love and care about help you relax.
  • Say “No if you have to. You do not have to take on every additional task or project that is offered to you. Learn to assess your capacities realistically and to say “no” if necessary.
  • Take care of your health. A healthy diet, regular exercise and enough sleep are important factors in remaining stress-resistant and efficient. Especially during the probationary period, you often take work home with you and don’t really switch off. Ultimately, no one will thank you!

Most important: have fun!

Most important: have fun!

Yes you’ve read correctly! Having fun should always be an integral part of your work. When you’re having fun, you’re more motivated, creative, and productive. So, let go of the confetti cannon!

“Make the most of your new job. See it as an exciting journey, full of new opportunities and experiences. Every day is a new opportunity to learn and grow. Find joy in small things. It could be morning coffee, a friendly chat with a colleague, or a successfully completed project. Joy can be found anywhere if you just look for it.”

  • Learn to reward yourself. Did you complete a difficult project or achieve a goal? Treat yourself to something nice as a reward. It could be a delicious meal, a good book or a relaxing bath.
  • Stay positive. It’s not always easy, especially when things don’t go as planned. But a positive attitude can help you cope better with challenges and reduce stress.

Congratulations, you are now officially ready to complete your probationary period with flying colors and a smile on your face!

Yes you’ve read correctly! Having fun should always be an integral part of your work. When you’re having fun, you’re more motivated, creative, and productive. So, let go of the confetti cannon!

“Make the most of your new job. See it as an exciting journey, full of new opportunities and experiences. Every day is a new opportunity to learn and grow. Find joy in small things. It could be morning coffee, a friendly chat with a colleague, or a successfully completed project. Joy can be found anywhere if you just look for it.”

  • Learn to reward yourself. Did you complete a difficult project or achieve a goal? Treat yourself to something nice as a reward. It could be a delicious meal, a good book or a relaxing bath.
  • Stay positive. It’s not always easy, especially when things don’t go as planned. But a positive attitude can help you cope better with challenges and reduce stress.

Congratulations, you are now officially ready to complete your probationary period with flying colors and a smile on your face!

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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