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Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Is crypto mining worth it and how does it work?

Cryptomining has gained remarkable popularity in recent years as more and more people look for ways to profit from the booming world of cryptocurrencies. Generating new digital currencies and verification of transactions on a blockchain network have sparked the interest of enthusiasts, investors, and even tech-savvy newbies. But while cryptomining appears to be a possibility, financial gains many are undecided as to whether it is actually worth it and how exactly the process works.

lohnt sich kryptomining

Topic Overview


In this article, we will look at the fundamental aspects of cryptomining, from how it works, to profitability, to the risks and challenges associated with this activity. And not to forget instructions on how you can start cryptomining. If you want to learn more about whether cryptomining is for you, read on and dive into the fascinating world of cryptomining.

Is crypto mining worth it and how does it work?

Cryptomining has gained remarkable popularity in recent years as more and more people look for ways to profit from the booming world of cryptocurrencies. Generating new digital currencies and verification of transactions on a blockchain network have sparked the interest of enthusiasts, investors, and even tech-savvy newbies. But while cryptomining appears to be a possibility, financial gains many are undecided as to whether it is actually worth it and how exactly the process works.

lohnt sich kryptomining

Topic Overview


In this article, we will look at the fundamental aspects of cryptomining, from how it works, to profitability, to the risks and challenges associated with this activity. And not to forget instructions on how you can start cryptomining. If you want to learn more about whether cryptomining is for you, read on and dive into the fascinating world of cryptomining.

Introduction to crypto mining

Introduction to crypto mining

Cryptomining has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. It is the process by which cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and others are generated through the use of powerful hardware and special algorithms. Essentially, it is a decentralized method of creating new digital currencies and verifying transactions on a blockchain network.

Cryptomining requires specialized hardware known as mining rigs or ASIC-Miner (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit). These devices are designed to solve complex mathematical problems required for adding new blocks to the blockchain. The more powerful the hardware, the more computing power it can provide and the greater the chances of receiving rewards in the form of cryptocurrencies.

However, cryptomining is not a risk-free endeavor. The profitability of mining depends on various factors,

  • The current cryptocurrency market
  • The difficulty of the mining algorithm
  • The cost of electricity
  • The acquisition costs for the hardware.

So here you should do a total cost calculation to take these aspects into account and calculate whether mining is worthwhile.

Another important point is choosing the right cryptocurrency. While Bitcoin is the best known and most widely used, mining other cryptocurrencies with smaller market caps and lower mining difficulty can potentially be more profitable. Thorough research is imperative here to understand the current trends and potential gains of various understand cryptocurrencies.

Cryptomining has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. It is the process by which cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and others are generated through the use of powerful hardware and special algorithms. Essentially, it is a decentralized method of creating new digital currencies and verifying transactions on a blockchain network.

Cryptomining requires specialized hardware known as mining rigs or ASIC-Miner (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit). These devices are designed to solve complex mathematical problems required for adding new blocks to the blockchain. The more powerful the hardware, the more computing power it can provide and the greater the chances of receiving rewards in the form of cryptocurrencies.

However, cryptomining is not a risk-free endeavor. The profitability of mining depends on various factors,

  • The current cryptocurrency market
  • The difficulty of the mining algorithm
  • The cost of electricity
  • The acquisition costs for the hardware.

So here you should do a total cost calculation to take these aspects into account and calculate whether mining is worthwhile.

Another important point is choosing the right cryptocurrency. While Bitcoin is the best known and most widely used, mining other cryptocurrencies with smaller market caps and lower mining difficulty can potentially be more profitable. Thorough research is imperative here to understand the current trends and potential gains of various understand cryptocurrencies.

Profitability of crypto mining

Profitability of crypto mining

Crypto mining profitability fluctuates wildly. In the early days of Bitcoin, hobbyist miners could make substantial profits using simple CPUs. Today, however, the demands are much higher and the competition has become intense. The mining difficulty continuously adjusts to keep the number of coins generated per time interval constant.


“To determine the profitability of cryptomining, the cost of hardware, power consumption, and other ongoing costs must be considered. There are online calculators that can help calculate likely profits based on these factors. Always keep this in mind that the cryptocurrency market is as volatile as the stock markets and profitability can change rapidly in either direction.”

Some miners join so-called mining pools, where several miners pool their resources to increase the chances of winning. In case of a successful new block generation, the rewards will be shared among the members of the pool based on the computing power provided by each contributor.

In addition to the direct profits from mining, miners can also profit from cryptocurrencies by holding them and speculating on an increase in value. This can result in additional financial benefits, but comes with a higher risk.

Crypto mining profitability fluctuates wildly. In the early days of Bitcoin, hobbyist miners could make substantial profits using simple CPUs. Today, however, the demands are much higher and the competition has become intense. The mining difficulty continuously adjusts to keep the number of coins generated per time interval constant.


“To determine the profitability of cryptomining, the cost of hardware, power consumption, and other ongoing costs must be considered. There are online calculators that can help calculate likely profits based on these factors. Always keep this in mind that the cryptocurrency market is as volatile as the stock markets and profitability can change rapidly in either direction.”

Some miners join so-called mining pools, where several miners pool their resources to increase the chances of winning. In case of a successful new block generation, the rewards will be shared among the members of the pool based on the computing power provided by each contributor.

In addition to the direct profits from mining, miners can also profit from cryptocurrencies by holding them and speculating on an increase in value. This can result in additional financial benefits, but comes with a higher risk.

Power consumption and environmental impact

Power consumption and environmental impact

A key aspect of cryptomining is the high power consumption associated with running the mining hardware. The energy-intensive computing processes require a significant amount of electricity. This can lead to significant electricity costs and at the same time have an impact on the environment.

  • Bitcoin mining in particular has been criticized for its enormous energy consumption. It is estimated Bitcoin mining uses more electricity than some countries. These concerns have led miners to look for more efficient solutions to reduce power consumption and become more environmentally friendly.

Some cryptocurrencies have introduced alternative mining methods that are less energy intensive. For example, Ethereum uses a consensus algorithm called Proof-of-Stake (PoS), which is used instead of Proof-of-Work (PoW). With PoS, miners hold coins in their wallets to generate new blocks and validate transactions instead of using computing power.

“The power consumption and environmental impact of cryptomining should also be considered to minimize the ecological footprint. This can include the use of renewable energy, energy-efficient hardware options and support for green initiatives.”

A key aspect of cryptomining is the high power consumption associated with running the mining hardware. The energy-intensive computing processes require a significant amount of electricity. This can lead to significant electricity costs and at the same time have an impact on the environment.

  • Bitcoin mining in particular has been criticized for its enormous energy consumption. It is estimated Bitcoin mining uses more electricity than some countries. These concerns have led miners to look for more efficient solutions to reduce power consumption and become more environmentally friendly.

Some cryptocurrencies have introduced alternative mining methods that are less energy intensive. For example, Ethereum uses a consensus algorithm called Proof-of-Stake (PoS), which is used instead of Proof-of-Work (PoW). With PoS, miners hold coins in their wallets to generate new blocks and validate transactions instead of using computing power.

“The power consumption and environmental impact of cryptomining should also be considered to minimize the ecological footprint. This can include the use of renewable energy, energy-efficient hardware options and support for green initiatives.”

Risks and challenges of crypto mining

Risks and challenges of crypto mining

Like everything else where you can make a lot of money in a short time, cryptomining naturally also involves risks and challenges that must be taken into account. One of them is the uncertainty of the cryptocurrency market. Cryptocurrency prices can fluctuate widely and are subject to a variety of factors such as market demand, country regulatory decisions and advances in technology. As with equity funds, you should definitely deal with the matter more intensively.

  • The initial cost of specialized mining hardware can be high, and the engineering effort to set up and maintain a mining rig can be demanding. Additionally, competition in the mining space can be intense, especially for established cryptocurrencies, which can reduce the chances of profitable rewards.
  • Security is also an important consideration. Cryptocurrencies are vulnerable to hacking attacks, especially when miners use insecure software or wallets. It is crucial to take proper security measures to prevent cryptocurrency theft.
  • In addition, miners must take into account the tax regulations of crypto mining in their respective country. Wherever money moves from A to B, the state would also like to have its share in it. Cryptocurrencies are treated as assets in some countries and are subject to appropriate tax laws.

Like everything else where you can make a lot of money in a short time, cryptomining naturally also involves risks and challenges that must be taken into account. One of them is the uncertainty of the cryptocurrency market. Cryptocurrency prices can fluctuate widely and are subject to a variety of factors such as market demand, country regulatory decisions and advances in technology. As with equity funds, you should definitely deal with the matter more intensively.

  • The initial cost of specialized mining hardware can be high, and the engineering effort to set up and maintain a mining rig can be demanding. Additionally, competition in the mining space can be intense, especially for established cryptocurrencies, which can reduce the chances of profitable rewards.
  • Security is also an important consideration. Cryptocurrencies are vulnerable to hacking attacks, especially when miners use insecure software or wallets. It is crucial to take proper security measures to prevent cryptocurrency theft.
  • In addition, miners must take into account the tax regulations of crypto mining in their respective country. Wherever money moves from A to B, the state would also like to have its share in it. Cryptocurrencies are treated as assets in some countries and are subject to appropriate tax laws.

How can I get into crypto mining?

How can I get into crypto mining?

If you are interested and want to try it out, we have put together a guide on how you can be involved in crypto mining.

Select hardware:
First, you need to decide what kind of hardware you want to use for mining. Some of the most common options are GPUs (graphics processing units), ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits), or even specialized mining rigs. Your choice will depend on various factors such as your budget, the type of cryptocurrency you wish to mine and the space you have available. Basically, the more power you have, the better it is!

By the way: The boom in crypto mining has also contributed significantly to the exorbitant increase in graphics card prices (which continues to this day).

Select mining software:
There are different mining programs that you can use depending on the hardware you choose and the cryptocurrency you want to mine. Which software you choose depends on several factors, including the type of mining hardware you have, the cryptocurrency you want to mine, and your operating system.

  1. CGMiner: CGMiner is an open source mining software that supports GPU, FPGA and ASIC mining. It is very versatile and offers many customization options, making it a popular choice for experienced miners.
  2. BFGMiner: How CGMiner is BFGMiner Open source and compatible with many different types of mining hardware. It differs from CGMiner mainly in its focus on ASIC miners.
  3. EasyMiner: EasyMiner is like the name already says, a more user-friendly mining software. It offers a graphical user interface that makes it easy to set up and manage your mining operations. EasyMiner is compatible with Windows, Linux and Android.
  4. Awesome Miner: Awesome Miner is a Windows -based software that provides centralized management for up to 200,000 miners from a single interface. It supports a wide range of mining algorithms and pool mining.
  5. Hive OS: Hive OS is an operating system , which is specially designed for cryptocurrency mining. It supports a variety of mining hardware and allows for centralized monitoring and management of mining rigs.
  6. NiceHash: NiceHash is not just a mining software, but also a marketplace where users can sell their unused computing power. It is known for its ease of use and compatibility with different operating systems.

Before choosing and installing any mining software, you should always make sure that your system is well protected. Some antivirus programs can detect and block mining software as potential harm, so you may need to add them to your whitelist. But be careful and make sure the software you download is safe and malware free.

Select a mining pool:
When mining in a pool, you combine your computing power with that of other members of the pool. If the pool succeeds a block, the rewards are distributed among the members, usually in proportion to the amount of work each contributed.

There are a variety of mining pools for different cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin mining pools:

  • SlushPool: SlushPool is the oldest Bitcoin mining pool and remains one the most popular.
  • F2Pool: F2Pool is a Chinese mining pool that also includes a variety of other cryptocurrencies supported.
  • Antpool: Antpool is another major Chinese mining pool operated by Bitmain becomes, a leading manufacturer of ASIC mining hardware.
  • is also a large Bitcoin mining pool and also provides support for Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

Ethereum mining pools:

  • Ethermine: Ethermine is one of the largest and most well-known Ethereum mining pools</li >
  • Nanopool: Nanopool also supports Ethereum and a variety of other cryptocurrencies.</ li>
  • F2Pool: As already mentioned, in addition to Bitcoin, F2Pool also supports Ethereum and a number other cryptocurrencies.

Other cryptocurrency mining pools:

  • LiteCoinPool: As the name suggests, this is a mining pool specifically for Litecoin.
  • MoneroOcean: This pool specializes in mining Monero, a privacy-focused cryptocurrency.

Note that the selection of a mining pool depends on various factors, including the size of the pool, payout structure, pool reliability, and ease of use. It is important to take the time to compare the different options offered by providers before deciding on a mining pool.

Create a wallet:
You need a wallet (digital wallet) to store the cryptocurrency you are mining. There are many different cryptocurrency digital wallets out there, and which one you choose will depend on your specific needs and the cryptocurrency you wish to mine.

Here are some options you might consider:

  • Desktop wallets: These wallets are installed on your computer. Examples are Electrum and Exodus. They usually offer a high level of security, but you need to make sure your computer is protected from malware.
  • Online wallets: These wallets are hosted on a website and are accessible from anywhere. Examples are and MyEtherWallet. They are convenient but can be vulnerable to hacking.
  • Mobile Wallets: These wallets are apps on your Smartphone. Examples are Trust Wallet and Coinomi. They are convenient for everyday use and for sending and receiving cryptocurrency transactions on the go.
  • Hardware wallets: These are physical devices that store your cryptocurrency offline. Examples are Ledger and Trezor. They offer the highest level of security but are more expensive than the other options.
  • Paper wallets: These are physical printouts of your public and private keys. They offer a high level of security as they are completely offline, but can be difficult to set up and use.

Please note that when using a Wallet should always make sure that your private keys are kept safe and that you perform regular backups of your wallet to prevent the loss of your cryptocurrencies. Remember that your private keys are essentially your proof of ownership of your cryptocurrencies. Whoever has access to these keys can access your cryptocurrencies.

Start mining:
After you have set up your hardware, software, mining pool and wallet, you are ready to start mining. The exact steps depend on the software you choose, but typically you will need to configure your mining software to connect to your mining pool and of course provide your wallet address to receive your mining rewards can.

If you are interested and want to try it out, we have put together a guide on how you can be involved in crypto mining.

Select hardware:
First, you need to decide what kind of hardware you want to use for mining. Some of the most common options are GPUs (graphics processing units), ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits), or even specialized mining rigs. Your choice will depend on various factors such as your budget, the type of cryptocurrency you wish to mine and the space you have available. Basically, the more power you have, the better it is!

By the way: The boom in crypto mining has also contributed significantly to the exorbitant increase in graphics card prices (which continues to this day).

Select mining software:
There are different mining programs that you can use depending on the hardware you choose and the cryptocurrency you want to mine. Which software you choose depends on several factors, including the type of mining hardware you have, the cryptocurrency you want to mine, and your operating system.

  1. CGMiner: CGMiner is an open source mining software that supports GPU, FPGA and ASIC mining. It is very versatile and offers many customization options, making it a popular choice for experienced miners.
  2. BFGMiner: How CGMiner is BFGMiner Open source and compatible with many different types of mining hardware. It differs from CGMiner mainly in its focus on ASIC miners.
  3. EasyMiner: EasyMiner is like the name already says, a more user-friendly mining software. It offers a graphical user interface that makes it easy to set up and manage your mining operations. EasyMiner is compatible with Windows, Linux and Android.
  4. Awesome Miner: Awesome Miner is a Windows -based software that provides centralized management for up to 200,000 miners from a single interface. It supports a wide range of mining algorithms and pool mining.
  5. Hive OS: Hive OS is an operating system , which is specially designed for cryptocurrency mining. It supports a variety of mining hardware and allows for centralized monitoring and management of mining rigs.
  6. NiceHash: NiceHash is not just a mining software, but also a marketplace where users can sell their unused computing power. It is known for its ease of use and compatibility with different operating systems.

Before choosing and installing any mining software, you should always make sure that your system is well protected. Some antivirus programs can detect and block mining software as potential harm, so you may need to add them to your whitelist. But be careful and make sure the software you download is safe and malware free.

Select a mining pool:
When mining in a pool, you combine your computing power with that of other members of the pool. If the pool succeeds a block, the rewards are distributed among the members, usually in proportion to the amount of work each contributed.

There are a variety of mining pools for different cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin mining pools:

  • SlushPool: SlushPool is the oldest Bitcoin mining pool and remains one the most popular.
  • F2Pool: F2Pool is a Chinese mining pool that also includes a variety of other cryptocurrencies supported.
  • Antpool: Antpool is another major Chinese mining pool operated by Bitmain becomes, a leading manufacturer of ASIC mining hardware.
  • is also a large Bitcoin mining pool and also provides support for Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

Ethereum mining pools:

  • Ethermine: Ethermine is one of the largest and most well-known Ethereum mining pools</li >
  • Nanopool: Nanopool also supports Ethereum and a variety of other cryptocurrencies.</ li>
  • F2Pool: As already mentioned, in addition to Bitcoin, F2Pool also supports Ethereum and a number other cryptocurrencies.

Other cryptocurrency mining pools:

  • LiteCoinPool: As the name suggests, this is a mining pool specifically for Litecoin.
  • MoneroOcean: This pool specializes in mining Monero, a privacy-focused cryptocurrency.

Note that the selection of a mining pool depends on various factors, including the size of the pool, payout structure, pool reliability, and ease of use. It is important to take the time to compare the different options offered by providers before deciding on a mining pool.

Create a wallet:
You need a wallet (digital wallet) to store the cryptocurrency you are mining. There are many different cryptocurrency digital wallets out there, and which one you choose will depend on your specific needs and the cryptocurrency you wish to mine.

Here are some options you might consider:

  • Desktop wallets: These wallets are installed on your computer. Examples are Electrum and Exodus. They usually offer a high level of security, but you need to make sure your computer is protected from malware.
  • Online wallets: These wallets are hosted on a website and are accessible from anywhere. Examples are and MyEtherWallet. They are convenient but can be vulnerable to hacking.
  • Mobile Wallets: These wallets are apps on your Smartphone. Examples are Trust Wallet and Coinomi. They are convenient for everyday use and for sending and receiving cryptocurrency transactions on the go.
  • Hardware wallets: These are physical devices that store your cryptocurrency offline. Examples are Ledger and Trezor. They offer the highest level of security but are more expensive than the other options.
  • Paper wallets: These are physical printouts of your public and private keys. They offer a high level of security as they are completely offline, but can be difficult to set up and use.

Please note that when using a Wallet should always make sure that your private keys are kept safe and that you perform regular backups of your wallet to prevent the loss of your cryptocurrencies. Remember that your private keys are essentially your proof of ownership of your cryptocurrencies. Whoever has access to these keys can access your cryptocurrencies.

Start mining:
After you have set up your hardware, software, mining pool and wallet, you are ready to start mining. The exact steps depend on the software you choose, but typically you will need to configure your mining software to connect to your mining pool and of course provide your wallet address to receive your mining rewards can.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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