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Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

The seven deadly sins in the application letter

In the working world, the cover letter is often the first impression we make on a potential employer. It is our chance to differentiate ourselves from other applicants and show why we are the perfect candidate for the advertised position. But the art of writing a cover letter is not always easy to master. There are many traps to fall into, and often we don’t realize these mistakes until rejection flutters in the house. After all, the letter of application, together with other references, should open the door to a interview.

fehler im bewerbungsschreiben

Topic Overview


In this article we want to take a closer look at seven such stumbling blocks, which could rather be described as mortal sins in the application letter. With a little humor, but also with the necessary seriousness, we devote ourselves to these typical mistakes and give tips on how to avoid them. So make yourself comfortable and accompany us on the journey through the seven deadly sins in the application letter.

The seven deadly sins in the application letter

In the working world, the cover letter is often the first impression we make on a potential employer. It is our chance to differentiate ourselves from other applicants and show why we are the perfect candidate for the advertised position. But the art of writing a cover letter is not always easy to master. There are many traps to fall into, and often we don’t realize these mistakes until rejection flutters in the house. After all, the letter of application, together with other references, should open the door to a interview.

fehler im bewerbungsschreiben

Topic Overview


In this article we want to take a closer look at seven such stumbling blocks, which could rather be described as mortal sins in the application letter. With a little humor, but also with the necessary seriousness, we devote ourselves to these typical mistakes and give tips on how to avoid them. So make yourself comfortable and accompany us on the journey through the seven deadly sins in the application letter.

1. Deadly Sin: Sloppy spelling and grammar

1. Deadly Sin: Sloppy spelling and grammar

A masterpiece of mistakes, a stumbling through sentences – who is such a writes a letter of application that lays the foundation for an unforgettable rejection. In today’s digital world, where spell checkers, grammar checks, and online writing aids thrive, there really is no room for sloppy mistakes. Poor spelling and grammar signals a lack of care and respect for the potential employer.

“Imagine you are in a restaurant and the waiter serves you a delicious meal on a dirty plate. They would surely turn away at first sight and let the court recede.”

The same applies to letters of application. Such a document needs to be well thought out, carefully drafted and proofread before it is sent. Remember that your cover letter is your business card and forms your first image with your potential employer. So don’t send a cover letter littered with mistakes. It’s better to take the time to correct it than to rush it and risk a negative response.

A masterpiece of mistakes, a stumbling through sentences – who is such a writes a letter of application that lays the foundation for an unforgettable rejection. In today’s digital world, where spell checkers, grammar checks, and online writing aids thrive, there really is no room for sloppy mistakes. Poor spelling and grammar signals a lack of care and respect for the potential employer.

“Imagine you are in a restaurant and the waiter serves you a delicious meal on a dirty plate. They would surely turn away at first sight and let the court recede.”

The same applies to letters of application. Such a document needs to be well thought out, carefully drafted and proofread before it is sent. Remember that your cover letter is your business card and forms your first image with your potential employer. So don’t send a cover letter littered with mistakes. It’s better to take the time to correct it than to rush it and risk a negative response.

2. Deadly Sin: Inappropriate or dubious tone

2. Deadly Sin: Inappropriate or dubious tone

Do you write your cover letter like texting a friend? Or do you use antiquated formulations reminiscent of a historical novel? Both are an absolute no-go. The trick is to find a professional yet personal tone.

Avoid overly colloquial expressions or jargon. A cover letter is not a place for overly casual or grandiose language. Your future employer should get the impression that you fit into the company not only professionally but also as a person.

“Be sure to avoid empty phrases and clichés. This makes the letter of application monotonous and makes it seem interchangeable. Instead, try to express your personality and uniqueness through targeted and precise wording.”

Do you write your cover letter like texting a friend? Or do you use antiquated formulations reminiscent of a historical novel? Both are an absolute no-go. The trick is to find a professional yet personal tone.

Avoid overly colloquial expressions or jargon. A cover letter is not a place for overly casual or grandiose language. Your future employer should get the impression that you fit into the company not only professionally but also as a person.

“Be sure to avoid empty phrases and clichés. This makes the letter of application monotonous and makes it seem interchangeable. Instead, try to express your personality and uniqueness through targeted and precise wording.”

3. Deadly Sin: Insufficient or exaggerated information

3. Deadly Sin: Insufficient or exaggerated information

Not only the way you write, but also what you write is important. Is the information you provide too vague or irrelevant? Or did you inflate the entire document with every little detail of your career? Both will likely result in your cover letter ending up in the trash unread.

If you provide insufficient information, you will be perceived as uninteresting or unqualified. The recruiter needs to have a clear picture of your skills, experience and aspirations to decide if you’re a good fit for the job.


Stay focused

Concentrate on what is really relevant for your potential employer. Because HR managers take an average of less than 1 minute per application. Time to skim an application. Which means that a crowded application letter is unlikely to be read in its entirety. You should focus on the most important information and present it clearly and concisely. Remember that quality always comes before quantity.

Not only the way you write, but also what you write is important. Is the information you provide too vague or irrelevant? Or did you inflate the entire document with every little detail of your career? Both will likely result in your cover letter ending up in the trash unread.

If you provide insufficient information, you will be perceived as uninteresting or unqualified. The recruiter needs to have a clear picture of your skills, experience and aspirations to decide if you’re a good fit for the job.


Stay focused

Concentrate on what is really relevant for your potential employer. Because HR managers take an average of less than 1 minute per application. Time to skim an application. Which means that a crowded application letter is unlikely to be read in its entirety. You should focus on the most important information and present it clearly and concisely. Remember that quality always comes before quantity.

4. Deadly Sin: Failure to conform to the job or company

4. Deadly Sin: Failure to conform to the job or company

Do you have a cover letter that you use for all your applications? This is a serious mistake. Every application should be individually adapted – both to the advertised position and to the company.

“Using a standardized cover letter can make it seem like you haven’t made an effort to understand the requirements of the job and the culture of the company. It also shows a lack of interest and commitment, which are certainly not traits employers are looking for.”

Convenience isn’t worth it

Take the time to design your cover letter individually for each position. Believe me that HR managers are very used to recognizing in less than 10 seconds whether it is again a copy & Paste application acts. Your ranking of candidates who qualify for a second look would go down with such a cover letter. Instead, show that you have read the job posting carefully and explain why you are ideal for the job.


Do you have a cover letter that you use for all your applications? This is a serious mistake. Every application should be individually adapted – both to the advertised position and to the company.

“Using a standardized cover letter can make it seem like you haven’t made an effort to understand the requirements of the job and the culture of the company. It also shows a lack of interest and commitment, which are certainly not traits employers are looking for.”

Convenience isn’t worth it

Take the time to design your cover letter individually for each position. Believe me that HR managers are very used to recognizing in less than 10 seconds whether it is again a copy & Paste application acts. Your ranking of candidates who qualify for a second look would go down with such a cover letter. Instead, show that you have read the job posting carefully and explain why you are ideal for the job.


5. Deadly Sin: Negative utterances

5. Deadly Sin: Negative utterances

The application is not the place to gossip about your previous employers, complain about missed career opportunities or address personal problems. You can portray negative statements in your application letter as problematic and fraught with conflict – that’s certainly not the image you want to convey.

“A negative attitude can also cause you to be perceived as a person who is unable to learn from failure and take responsibility. Instead, you should focus on positive aspects: What have you learned from your past experiences? How can these lessons help you be successful in the job you want?”

Of course, criticism is not completely taboo. But first of all, this doesn’t really belong in a Write motivation, but if anything, it can be mentioned as a side note in the interview. And only if you are explicitly asked about it. Be future-oriented and focus on what lies ahead.

The application is not the place to gossip about your previous employers, complain about missed career opportunities or address personal problems. You can portray negative statements in your application letter as problematic and fraught with conflict – that’s certainly not the image you want to convey.

“A negative attitude can also cause you to be perceived as a person who is unable to learn from failure and take responsibility. Instead, you should focus on positive aspects: What have you learned from your past experiences? How can these lessons help you be successful in the job you want?”

Of course, criticism is not completely taboo. But first of all, this doesn’t really belong in a Write motivation, but if anything, it can be mentioned as a side note in the interview. And only if you are explicitly asked about it. Be future-oriented and focus on what lies ahead.

6. Deadly Sin: Lack of motivation and enthusiasm

6. Deadly Sin: Lack of motivation and enthusiasm

You’ve already written 100 applications and are tired of always putting fresh energy into the next one?

Believe me, the recruiter doesn’t care in the slightest! If your cover letter sounds like you wrote it out of sheer duty, you probably won’t be called for an interview. Employers look for candidates who are enthusiastic and motivated to take on the role. If you fail here, it only shows that you will not have the stamina later on in your job.

Your cover letter should therefore express your enthusiasm for the advertised position and the company. Explain why you are excited about the position and how you can help achieve the company’s goals. However, avoid appearing overly enthusiastic. Your writing should be sincere and authentic, not overdone and fake.

You’ve already written 100 applications and are tired of always putting fresh energy into the next one?

Believe me, the recruiter doesn’t care in the slightest! If your cover letter sounds like you wrote it out of sheer duty, you probably won’t be called for an interview. Employers look for candidates who are enthusiastic and motivated to take on the role. If you fail here, it only shows that you will not have the stamina later on in your job.

Your cover letter should therefore express your enthusiasm for the advertised position and the company. Explain why you are excited about the position and how you can help achieve the company’s goals. However, avoid appearing overly enthusiastic. Your writing should be sincere and authentic, not overdone and fake.

7. Deadly Sin: Lack of professionalism in presentation

7. Deadly Sin: Lack of professionalism in presentation

Finally, the visual presentation of your cover letter should also be professional. Messy formatting, inappropriate fonts or colors, and lack of clarity in structure can make your cover letter unappealing and difficult to read.

“Your cover letter should be well structured, neatly formatted and easy to read. Avoid unnecessary decorations or fonts that are difficult to read. Your goal is to create a clear, concise document that highlights your qualifications and motivation.”

A professionally designed cover letter shows you care and attention to detail. And these are qualities that are valued in any profession. So don’t forget to put the finishing touches on your cover letter before you send it off.

Finally, the visual presentation of your cover letter should also be professional. Messy formatting, inappropriate fonts or colors, and lack of clarity in structure can make your cover letter unappealing and difficult to read.

“Your cover letter should be well structured, neatly formatted and easy to read. Avoid unnecessary decorations or fonts that are difficult to read. Your goal is to create a clear, concise document that highlights your qualifications and motivation.”

A professionally designed cover letter shows you care and attention to detail. And these are qualities that are valued in any profession. So don’t forget to put the finishing touches on your cover letter before you send it off.

Closing words

Closing words

We hope that we have been able to remind you of the mistakes you should not make in your application letter of motivation. Don’t look at the application from the role of a petitioner who absolutely needs a job, as is so often the case, but see it as a business between partners who meet on an equal footing.

The employer does not have a charity job to offer, but needs someone qualified to do the job. And you offer exactly that. They are, so to speak, the product that the employer should buy to solve his problem. Even if you are qualified, it is very important how you present yourself and your qualifications in order to get started.

We hope that we have been able to remind you of the mistakes you should not make in your application letter of motivation. Don’t look at the application from the role of a petitioner who absolutely needs a job, as is so often the case, but see it as a business between partners who meet on an equal footing.

The employer does not have a charity job to offer, but needs someone qualified to do the job. And you offer exactly that. They are, so to speak, the product that the employer should buy to solve his problem. Even if you are qualified, it is very important how you present yourself and your qualifications in order to get started.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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