Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Loading times of your website influence your ranking

After we have looked at the first part of the optimization of content such as text and image, as well as with the backlinks of our page, we will deal in the following with the technical aspects and the importance of social networking.

So wichtig ist die Technik Ihrer Webseite für Google

Topic Overview


Loading times of your website influence your ranking

After we have looked at the first part of the optimization of content such as text and image, as well as with the backlinks of our page, we will deal in the following with the technical aspects and the importance of social networking.

So wichtig ist die Technik Ihrer Webseite für Google

Topic Overview


1. How do I optimize the load times of my page?

1. How do I optimize the load times of my page?

Loading time is lifetime…

Wie wichtig ist die Ladezeit meiner Seite?

Gone are the days when we were on the move with analogue modems, and also liked to take a coffee break to get a more elaborate page on the monitor.

With the abundance of content available on the web, it must be expected that one can navigate swiftly through web pages without spending too much time.

  • (There is nothing to complain about advertising that fits the theme of the page, and is presented in moderate proportion to the actual content, but advertising videos that start automatically, and the like are not only annoying but also cost resources)
  • Do not install too many videos per page.
    (When a page is loaded, the thumbnails are also uploaded from YouTube, which may take some time, depending on how busy the YouTube servers are and the number of videos.)
  • Use the browser caching for static content.
    (This will cache static content in the user’s browser that visits your page more than once, and will not need to be retrieved from the server the next time you visit.)
    Learn more about Browser Caching >>>
  • Use Gzip and Deflate Compression.
    (As a result, the content on your page is delivered by the server in compressed form, thus reducing the amount of data to be transferred to the browser.) The quality of the presentation will have no effect on the user later, as current browsers will unpack this compressed data without any loss of time).
    Learn more about Gzip Compression >>>
  • Avoid internal resizing of images for correct representation.
    (If you upload pictures in high resolution to your server, but these are not needed for the later presentation in this form, the browser of the site visitor must still load them anyway)

However, the more multimedia content you include on your pages, the more data the user’s browser will later need to load to fully view it.

However, it is also not only that your page visitors will be quickly annoyed by long loading times, and leave the site too soon, but it will also significantly influence your ranking in the medium term.


Because when Googlebot scans your pages, it not only checks the content but also the time it takes to fully load individual pages.

We have already explained in the first part how to optimize your pictures, but you can do even more to speed up the loading times of your page:

Think about the size you need which images later on the page, and then upload them to your server in the correct resolution.

  • If necessary, use a CDN (Content Delivery Network)
    (If you run a site that is internationally oriented, it may make sense to set up a CDN on your web server, which means that parts of your site’s static content will be cached on foreign servers as well, so that the browser of a site visitor overseas, for example, does not have to be all Load data from the country of origin of the page.)

Pay attention to the adaptation of your privacy policy if you use a CDN!

There are, of course, a whole series of other measures with which you can improve the side speed.

A good online tool to test your site’s speed and what’s possible is Google’s Pagespeed Insights.


Loading time is lifetime…

Wie wichtig ist die Ladezeit meiner Seite?

Gone are the days when we were on the move with analogue modems, and also liked to take a coffee break to get a more elaborate page on the monitor.

With the abundance of content available on the web, it must be expected that one can navigate swiftly through web pages without spending too much time.

  • (There is nothing to complain about advertising that fits the theme of the page, and is presented in moderate proportion to the actual content, but advertising videos that start automatically, and the like are not only annoying but also cost resources)
  • Do not install too many videos per page.
    (When a page is loaded, the thumbnails are also uploaded from YouTube, which may take some time, depending on how busy the YouTube servers are and the number of videos.)
  • Use the browser caching for static content.
    (This will cache static content in the user’s browser that visits your page more than once, and will not need to be retrieved from the server the next time you visit.)
    Learn more about Browser Caching >>>
  • Use Gzip and Deflate Compression.
    (As a result, the content on your page is delivered by the server in compressed form, thus reducing the amount of data to be transferred to the browser.) The quality of the presentation will have no effect on the user later, as current browsers will unpack this compressed data without any loss of time).
    Learn more about Gzip Compression >>>
  • Avoid internal resizing of images for correct representation.
    (If you upload pictures in high resolution to your server, but these are not needed for the later presentation in this form, the browser of the site visitor must still load them anyway)

However, the more multimedia content you include on your pages, the more data the user’s browser will later need to load to fully view it.

However, it is also not only that your page visitors will be quickly annoyed by long loading times, and leave the site too soon, but it will also significantly influence your ranking in the medium term.


Because when Googlebot scans your pages, it not only checks the content but also the time it takes to fully load individual pages.

We have already explained in the first part how to optimize your pictures, but you can do even more to speed up the loading times of your page:

Think about the size you need which images later on the page, and then upload them to your server in the correct resolution.

  • If necessary, use a CDN (Content Delivery Network)
    (If you run a site that is internationally oriented, it may make sense to set up a CDN on your web server, which means that parts of your site’s static content will be cached on foreign servers as well, so that the browser of a site visitor overseas, for example, does not have to be all Load data from the country of origin of the page.)

Pay attention to the adaptation of your privacy policy if you use a CDN!

There are, of course, a whole series of other measures with which you can improve the side speed.

A good online tool to test your site’s speed and what’s possible is Google’s Pagespeed Insights.

2. Greater awareness through social network.

2. Greater awareness through social network.

Attract attention…

Mehr Bekanntheit durch Social Network

That without networking it is almost an impossibility to gain notoriety.
We already explained the topic of the backlinks in the first Part of our series.

However, even this will not be enough, because Google also looks at your activities in social networks which will be displayed in search results later.

In addition, you must not expect that the customers come to you, but you have to be active where your potential customers are. And because of the high number of users social networks are simply mandatory!

In which networks do you really pay attention to my site?

  • Facebook

If you have not already done so, first get a private one and then a company profile on Facebook. Make sure you do the internal linking activate these two profiles. (Ie first name last name works at “YOUR COMPANY”)
Find groups that suit your topic and actively contribute through contributions. Regularly share company pictures and technical papers to show your competence.

  • Google+

Due to the market dominant position of Facebook on the social networks, Google+ is often not respected, or not enough. But if you are concerned with the topic SEO almost criminally, simply not to use Google’s own product as a social network.

Again, the same procedure applies as with Facebook you create both a private, as well as a corporate profile, and always nice to share content, and also actively contribute to appropriate groups.

If you share posts on Google+, make sure you do not just flatly insert a link, but write a short one-liner on the post link where you put a hashtag (#) in the keywords and / or phrases that express the core of the article.

Kauf auch du bei der Nummer 1!

These hashtags make the text in question an active link through which you can also find users who are not looking for people or companies, but for keywords. (Incidentally, this procedure also applies to Facebook!)

  • Pinterest, Instagramm & Co.

We also talked about the power of images on Google in the first part. However, you can go a long way and proactively upload your company’s footage of products, services, posts, etc. into these image databases, and provide them with text and links to your page.

The advantage is that not only Google respects this, but also that you can reach many users who look around in these image databases and search images on specific topics.

  • Xing, LinkedIn & Co.

Not only job seekers who are perhaps in search of a new challenge, and present themselves in these business portals to be better found by headhunters frolicking there.

Also we as freelancers and tradesmen can win new contacts and customers there very well

  • Here, too, actively engage in topic-oriented groups and show your expertise there.
  • Create an appealing company profile with product and service portfolio.
  • If you run your own blog, you also have the opportunity here to implement an RSS feed, so that the latest posts automatically appear on the corporate page.
  • Choose from the points: I offer – I am looking for good keywords that are suitable.
    (Because Xing usually does not look for people, but for competences.)

Of course, the networks presented here are only a small selection of those actually available, but we wanted to limit ourselves to the most important (because largest) in which you should definitely be active in order to increase your awareness faster.

For all networks, there are the most diverse groups of people.

What that does not mean all content on all portals will work equally well and bring more visitors to your site.
For example, Facebook is less business-oriented and more fun and leisure-oriented, whereas Xing is much more serious and focused on business contacts.

Nobody can say exactly in advance how your content will best arrive on which portal.

Here is: Try is about studying.

It’s best to monitor your page with Google Analytics and look at where your visitors have come to your site, optimizing your activities over time, which will of course cost you a lot of time, which will not be rewarded indefinitely…

For all of the things you do with Google Optimization (including social networking) to attract more visitors and customers, we’d like to recommend the following advice:

Do not get impatient too fast.

You must not forget that we are not alone in the marketplace, and the users are flooded with information on the Internet just so, and thus need some time first and also continuous sprinkling to actually take action

<<< Here we go back to the first part of the series

briefly Click here to continue to the third part of our series >>>

These topics await you:

  • How important is an SSL certificate of my site for SEO.
  • How important is the optimization for mobile devices.

Attract attention…

Mehr Bekanntheit durch Social Network

That without networking it is almost an impossibility to gain notoriety.
We already explained the topic of the backlinks in the first Part of our series.

However, even this will not be enough, because Google also looks at your activities in social networks which will be displayed in search results later.

In addition, you must not expect that the customers come to you, but you have to be active where your potential customers are. And because of the high number of users social networks are simply mandatory!

In which networks do you really pay attention to my site?

  • Facebook

If you have not already done so, first get a private one and then a company profile on Facebook. Make sure you do the internal linking activate these two profiles. (Ie first name last name works at “YOUR COMPANY”)
Find groups that suit your topic and actively contribute through contributions. Regularly share company pictures and technical papers to show your competence.

  • Google+

Due to the market dominant position of Facebook on the social networks, Google+ is often not respected, or not enough. But if you are concerned with the topic SEO almost criminally, simply not to use Google’s own product as a social network.

Again, the same procedure applies as with Facebook you create both a private, as well as a corporate profile, and always nice to share content, and also actively contribute to appropriate groups.

If you share posts on Google+, make sure you do not just flatly insert a link, but write a short one-liner on the post link where you put a hashtag (#) in the keywords and / or phrases that express the core of the article.

Kauf auch du bei der Nummer 1!

These hashtags make the text in question an active link through which you can also find users who are not looking for people or companies, but for keywords. (Incidentally, this procedure also applies to Facebook!)

  • Pinterest, Instagramm & Co.

We also talked about the power of images on Google in the first part. However, you can go a long way and proactively upload your company’s footage of products, services, posts, etc. into these image databases, and provide them with text and links to your page.

The advantage is that not only Google respects this, but also that you can reach many users who look around in these image databases and search images on specific topics.

  • Xing, LinkedIn & Co.

Not only job seekers who are perhaps in search of a new challenge, and present themselves in these business portals to be better found by headhunters frolicking there.

Also we as freelancers and tradesmen can win new contacts and customers there very well

  • Here, too, actively engage in topic-oriented groups and show your expertise there.
  • Create an appealing company profile with product and service portfolio.
  • If you run your own blog, you also have the opportunity here to implement an RSS feed, so that the latest posts automatically appear on the corporate page.
  • Choose from the points: I offer – I am looking for good keywords that are suitable.
    (Because Xing usually does not look for people, but for competences.)

Of course, the networks presented here are only a small selection of those actually available, but we wanted to limit ourselves to the most important (because largest) in which you should definitely be active in order to increase your awareness faster.

For all networks, there are the most diverse groups of people.

What that does not mean all content on all portals will work equally well and bring more visitors to your site.
For example, Facebook is less business-oriented and more fun and leisure-oriented, whereas Xing is much more serious and focused on business contacts.

Nobody can say exactly in advance how your content will best arrive on which portal.

Here is: Try is about studying.

It’s best to monitor your page with Google Analytics and look at where your visitors have come to your site, optimizing your activities over time, which will of course cost you a lot of time, which will not be rewarded indefinitely…

For all of the things you do with Google Optimization (including social networking) to attract more visitors and customers, we’d like to recommend the following advice:

Do not get impatient too fast.

You must not forget that we are not alone in the marketplace, and the users are flooded with information on the Internet just so, and thus need some time first and also continuous sprinkling to actually take action

<<< Here we go back to the first part of the series

briefly Click here to continue to the third part of our series >>>

These topics await you:

  • How important is an SSL certificate of my site for SEO.
  • How important is the optimization for mobile devices.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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