Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Der Blog für digitale Kompetenz

Therefore, an SSL certificate for your website is important for the ranking

In the last part we have the technical background for faster load times of our site, and awareness raising through social and businessnetwork optimization.

In the third part we want to focus on the relevance of an SSL certificate as well as the important aspect of the orientation of our page for mobile devices in relation to the ranking on Google.


Topic Overview


That’s why you need an SSL certificate

In the last part we have the technical background for faster load times of our site, and awareness raising through social and businessnetwork optimization.

In the third part we want to focus on the relevance of an SSL certificate as well as the important aspect of the orientation of our page for mobile devices in relation to the ranking on Google.


Topic Overview


1. How important is an SSL certificate?

1. How important is an SSL certificate?

Safety First…

Wie wichtig ist ein SSL Zertifikat für mein Google Ranking?

What does SSL stand for?

The term SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer, which is an encrypted connection between server and client. So your page (server) and the visitors of your site (clients). Which in turn means that the data does not correspond to the security level of a postcard as on a page without an SSL certificate, but is transmitted in encrypted form.

Of course, even such a certificate does not give 100% certainty, but it helps a lot to show your site visitors that privacy is one thing you really take seriously and not just as an inflationary term.

What types of SSL certificates are there?

The number of SSL certificates offered has increased significantly in recent years, due to increasing cybercrime, and has become a rather obscure jungle for the layman.

Meanwhile, 3 main types of SSL types have been established:

  • Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate
  • Organization Validation (OV) SSL Certificate
  • Domain Validation (DV) SSL Certificates

Learn more about SSL Certificates >>>

Where can I get an SSL certificate?

As a rule, all current internet providers who also offer web hosting offer SSL certificates for their customers, which are already included in the price of the hosting package. However, in most cases these are not enabled by default, so you need to do this manually.

Please ask your hosting partner how to activate your SSL certificate.


Do I need an SSL certificate?

Have (almost) always better than need!

If you run a simple blog, or just use your website as a global business card for your business, without contact forms, but only with a link to your email address, then you could say that you do not need it.

However, as soon as you offer contact via your own forms (for example, for registrations, service reports, etc.), it is advisable to use an SSL certificate. As an operator of a webshop over which logically always customer data must be transmitted HTTPS is absolutely mandatory!

With an SSL certificate which is immediately visible in the browser for every website visitor, you will noticeably increase your trust. Because if a potential customer first started filling out a form with a lot of personal data, or is in a buying process, then maybe look again in the address bar of the browser, and there is missing the little green lock (refers to Firefox), the probability is very high that the process will be aborted, and the visitor is looking for an alternative.

Above all, he probably will not visit your site again, and certainly you will not be recommended!

How does an SSL certificate affect my Google ranking?

This question is quite easy to answer.

The goal of Google is basically to provide its users with relevant results based on the search terms. But not only the content is relevant for us users in the search results, but also the topic of security and privacy plays an increasingly important role, and is increasingly in the awareness.

And since Google is also aware of this development, sites that use an SSL certificate are always rated higher for relevance than those who do not. This is particularly important for you as a website operator if you are in a highly competitive industry.

When should I switch to HTTPS?

For the first impression there is (usually) no second chance.

It is best to activate your SSL certificate as soon as possible. Ideally when you start to set up the page. After all, a subsequent activation is possible at any time, but the more content and links you put up that are not yet based on an SSL foundation, the more work you have to change over later.

We’ve made that mistake ourselves in the past, and it’s really a lot of work to deal with everything in the aftermath.

Safety First…

Wie wichtig ist ein SSL Zertifikat für mein Google Ranking?

What does SSL stand for?

The term SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer, which is an encrypted connection between server and client. So your page (server) and the visitors of your site (clients). Which in turn means that the data does not correspond to the security level of a postcard as on a page without an SSL certificate, but is transmitted in encrypted form.

Of course, even such a certificate does not give 100% certainty, but it helps a lot to show your site visitors that privacy is one thing you really take seriously and not just as an inflationary term.

What types of SSL certificates are there?

The number of SSL certificates offered has increased significantly in recent years, due to increasing cybercrime, and has become a rather obscure jungle for the layman.

Meanwhile, 3 main types of SSL types have been established:

  • Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate
  • Organization Validation (OV) SSL Certificate
  • Domain Validation (DV) SSL Certificates

Learn more about SSL Certificates >>>

Where can I get an SSL certificate?

As a rule, all current internet providers who also offer web hosting offer SSL certificates for their customers, which are already included in the price of the hosting package. However, in most cases these are not enabled by default, so you need to do this manually.

Please ask your hosting partner how to activate your SSL certificate.


Do I need an SSL certificate?

Have (almost) always better than need!

If you run a simple blog, or just use your website as a global business card for your business, without contact forms, but only with a link to your email address, then you could say that you do not need it.

However, as soon as you offer contact via your own forms (for example, for registrations, service reports, etc.), it is advisable to use an SSL certificate. As an operator of a webshop over which logically always customer data must be transmitted HTTPS is absolutely mandatory!

With an SSL certificate which is immediately visible in the browser for every website visitor, you will noticeably increase your trust. Because if a potential customer first started filling out a form with a lot of personal data, or is in a buying process, then maybe look again in the address bar of the browser, and there is missing the little green lock (refers to Firefox), the probability is very high that the process will be aborted, and the visitor is looking for an alternative.

Above all, he probably will not visit your site again, and certainly you will not be recommended!

How does an SSL certificate affect my Google ranking?

This question is quite easy to answer.

The goal of Google is basically to provide its users with relevant results based on the search terms. But not only the content is relevant for us users in the search results, but also the topic of security and privacy plays an increasingly important role, and is increasingly in the awareness.

And since Google is also aware of this development, sites that use an SSL certificate are always rated higher for relevance than those who do not. This is particularly important for you as a website operator if you are in a highly competitive industry.

When should I switch to HTTPS?

For the first impression there is (usually) no second chance.

It is best to activate your SSL certificate as soon as possible. Ideally when you start to set up the page. After all, a subsequent activation is possible at any time, but the more content and links you put up that are not yet based on an SSL foundation, the more work you have to change over later.

We’ve made that mistake ourselves in the past, and it’s really a lot of work to deal with everything in the aftermath.

2. How important is optimization for mobile devices?

2. How important is optimization for mobile devices?

What is not suitable …

Slide Tablet Landscape
Kauf auch du bei der Nummer 1!

Before Apple landed its big hit in 2007 with its iPhone, and the way the use of mobile phones has lastingly changed, the subject of mobile internet was actually none.

Because neither the data transfer rates, nor the form of presentation was sufficient to prepare website operators headaches.

At the time of this article, that’s just ten years ago, and manufacturers are breaking new ground at the annual trade show appearances to promote mobile Internet use. And even data rates that are in no way inferior to the domestic connection have become affordable

Just as Nokia overslept the change at that time, and responded too late (as a former leader), so it can happen to web site operators to be hung.

How do I optimize my page for mobile devices?

The magic formula is called Responsive Design

The opposite of Responsive Design is Adaptive Design..
In contrast to the old standard, this design is designed to recognize the device via which the website is called and flexible so responsive adapt.

The advantage of this contemporary design is obvious.

Because of the increasing number of users with mobile devices (including tablets), it has become a serious issue for website operators to take this development into account and to act!

How can I find out if my site has Responsive Webdesign?

Of course, if you have more than one device, you can easily try out your page and all subpages.
Alternatively, this test can also be done on the following page comfortably on the desktop PC: CLICK HERE

If your page is displayed on a smartphone, and the reader can not decipher your text because it is simply too small, or constantly wiping on the small screen from right to left to read an article, it will quickly lose interest, and leave your site sooner than read another article.

You can also track this at the bounce rates via Google Analytics.

Do I need Responsive Design for my site?

Here we come already on the topic of the context of the Google ranking and the technical backround in terms of optimization for mobile devices.

Of course, if you’ve been running your site for a long time, your regular visitors will not run away right away, and even Google will not let you down immediately. However, you should be aware that early action here is always better than later trying to pull the child out of the well. It is always worthwhile to catch up on non-binding offers, and to take the necessary steps to ensure the future!

If you rebuild your page then it is the same here as with the SSL certificate. It is obligatory and not free to take this development into account. Of course, Google also checks whether your site is optimized for mobile use, and clearly shows this to you in the Google Search Console, which of course you use as an accomplished website operator.


What is not suitable …

Slide Tablet Landscape
Kauf auch du bei der Nummer 1!

Before Apple landed its big hit in 2007 with its iPhone, and the way the use of mobile phones has lastingly changed, the subject of mobile internet was actually none.

Because neither the data transfer rates, nor the form of presentation was sufficient to prepare website operators headaches.

At the time of this article, that’s just ten years ago, and manufacturers are breaking new ground at the annual trade show appearances to promote mobile Internet use. And even data rates that are in no way inferior to the domestic connection have become affordable

Just as Nokia overslept the change at that time, and responded too late (as a former leader), so it can happen to web site operators to be hung.

How do I optimize my page for mobile devices?

The magic formula is called Responsive Design

The opposite of Responsive Design is Adaptive Design..
In contrast to the old standard, this design is designed to recognize the device via which the website is called and flexible so responsive adapt.

The advantage of this contemporary design is obvious.

Because of the increasing number of users with mobile devices (including tablets), it has become a serious issue for website operators to take this development into account and to act!

How can I find out if my site has Responsive Webdesign?

Of course, if you have more than one device, you can easily try out your page and all subpages.
Alternatively, this test can also be done on the following page comfortably on the desktop PC: CLICK HERE

If your page is displayed on a smartphone, and the reader can not decipher your text because it is simply too small, or constantly wiping on the small screen from right to left to read an article, it will quickly lose interest, and leave your site sooner than read another article.

You can also track this at the bounce rates via Google Analytics.

Do I need Responsive Design for my site?

Here we come already on the topic of the context of the Google ranking and the technical backround in terms of optimization for mobile devices.

Of course, if you’ve been running your site for a long time, your regular visitors will not run away right away, and even Google will not let you down immediately. However, you should be aware that early action here is always better than later trying to pull the child out of the well. It is always worthwhile to catch up on non-binding offers, and to take the necessary steps to ensure the future!

If you rebuild your page then it is the same here as with the SSL certificate. It is obligatory and not free to take this development into account. Of course, Google also checks whether your site is optimized for mobile use, and clearly shows this to you in the Google Search Console, which of course you use as an accomplished website operator.


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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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About the Author:

Michael W. SuhrDipl. Betriebswirt | Webdesign- und Beratung | Office Training
After 20 years in logistics, I turned my hobby, which has accompanied me since the mid-1980s, into a profession, and have been working as a freelancer in web design, web consulting and Microsoft Office since the beginning of 2015. On the side, I write articles for more digital competence in my blog as far as time allows.

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